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Journal Article
Ehret, P. J., LaBrie J. W., Santerre C., & Sherman D. K. (2015).  Self-affirmation and motivational interviewing: integrating perspectives to reduce resistance and increase efficacy of alcohol interventions. Health Psychology Review. 9(1), 83–102.
Ehret, P. J., LaBrie J. W., Santerre C., & Sherman D. K. (2015).  Self-affirmation and motivational interviewing: integrating perspectives to reduce resistance and increase efficacy of alcohol interventions. Health Psychology Review. 9(1), 83–102.
Pauketat, J. V. T., Moons W. G., Chen J. M., Mackie D. M., & Sherman D. K. (2016).  Self-affirmation and affective forecasting: Affirmation reduces the anticipated impact of negative events. Motivation and Emotion. 40(5), 750-759.
Binning, K. R., Sherman D. K., Cohen G. L., & Heitland K. (2010).  Seeing the Other Side: Reducing Political Partisanship via Self-Affirmation in the 2008 Presidential Election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 10, 276–292.
Binning, K. R., Cook J. E., Greenaway V. P., Garcia J., Apfel N., Sherman D. K., et al. (2021).  Securing self-integrity over time: Self-affirmation disrupts a negative cycle between psychological threat and academic performance. Journal of Social Issues.
Sherman, D. K., Uskul A. K., & Updegraff J. A. (2011).  The role of the self in responses to health communications: A cultural perspective. Self and Identity. 10, 284–294.
Jaremka, L. M., Bunyan D. P., Collins N. L., & Sherman D. K. (2011).  Reducing defensive distancing: Self-affirmation and risk regulation in response to relationship threats. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 47, 264–268.
Kim, H. S., Sherman D. K., Ko D., & Taylor S. E. (2006).  Pursuit of comfort and pursuit of harmony: Culture, relationships, and social support seeking. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32, 1595–1607.
Ehret, P. J., & Sherman D. K. (2014).  Public policy and health: A self-affirmation perspective. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1, 222–230.
Eom, K., Papadakis V., Sherman D.K., & Kim H.S. (2019).  The Psychology of pro-environmental support: In search of global solutions for a global problem. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 28, 490 - 495.
Cohen, G. L., & Sherman D. K. (2014).  The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention. Annual Review of Psychology. 65, 333–371.
Kim, H. S., Chuang R., Eom K., & Sherman D. K. (2022).  Psychology and the threat of contagion: How perceived vulnerability to disease moderates the link between xenophobic thoughts and support for xenophobic actions. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
Sherman, D. K., Bunyan D. P., J Creswell D., & Jaremka L. M. (2009).  Psychological vulnerability and stress: the effects of self-affirmation on sympathetic nervous system responses to naturalistic stressors. Health Psychology. 28, 554.
Van Boven, L., Ehret P.J., & Sherman D.K. (2018).  Psychological barriers to bipartisan public support for climate policy. Perspectives on Psychological Sciences.
Taylor, S. E., Lerner J. S., Sherman D. K., Sage R. M., & McDowell N. K. (2003).  Portrait of the self-enhancer: well adjusted and well liked or maladjusted and friendless?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 84, 165.
Taylor, S. E., Lerner J. S., Sherman D. K., Sage R. M., & McDowell N. K. (2003).  Portrait of the self-enhancer: well adjusted and well liked or maladjusted and friendless?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 84, 165.
Gromet, D. M., Hartson K. A., & Sherman D. K. (2015).  The politics of luck: Political ideology and the perceived relationship between luck and success. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 59, 40–46.
Flores, A., Cole J. C., Dickert S., Eom K., Jiga-Boy G. M., Kogut T., et al. (2022).  Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Flores, A., Cole J. C., Dickert S., Eom K., Jiga-Boy G. M., Kogut T., et al. (2022).  Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Van Boven, L., Judd C. M., & Sherman D. K. (2012).  Political polarization projection: social projection of partisan attitude extremity and attitudinal processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 103, 84.
Leong, S., Hegarty M., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Pluralistic ignorance and occupational choice: The impact of communicating norms on graduate students’ career aspirations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Sherman, D. K., Hogg M. A., & Maitner A. T. (2009).  Perceived polarization: Reconciling ingroup and intergroup perceptions under uncertainty. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 12, 95–109.
Cole, J. C., Flores A., Jiga-Boy G. M., Klein O., Sherman D. K., & Van Boven L. (2023).  Party over pandemic: Trust in political leaders and experts explains public support for COVID-19 policies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Ehret, P.J., Sherman D.K., & Van Boven L. (2018).  Partisan barriers to bipartisanship: Understanding climate policy. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Saphire-Bernstein, S., Way B. M., Kim H. S., Sherman D. K., & Taylor S. E. (2011).  Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108, 15118–15122.
