
Found 116 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
In Press
Blevins, K., Pressman S. D., & Sherman D. K. (In Press).  Self-affirmation for stress protection. Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology. 2,
Sherman, D. K., Updegraff J. A., Handy M. S., Eom K., & Kim H. S. (2022).  Beliefs and social norms as precursors of environmental support: The joint influence of collectivism and socioeconomic status. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
McKoane, A., & Sherman D. K. (2022).  Diagnostic uncertainty in patients, parents, and physicians: A compensatory control theory perspective. Health Psychology Review.
Leong, S., Eom K., Ishii K., Aichberger M. C., Fetz K., Müller T. S., et al. (2022).  Individual costs and community benefits: Collectivism and individuals’ compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions to combat COVID-19. PLoSONE.
Flores, A., Cole J. C., Dickert S., Eom K., Jiga-Boy G. M., Kogut T., et al. (2022).  Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Kim, H. S., Chuang R., Eom K., & Sherman D. K. (2022).  Psychology and the threat of contagion: How perceived vulnerability to disease moderates the link between xenophobic thoughts and support for xenophobic actions. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
Cole, J. C., Ehret P. J., Sherman D. K., & Van Boven L. (2022).  Social norms explain prioritization of climate policy. Climatic Change.
Ramos, J., Grant M., Dickert S., Eom K., Flores A., Jiga-Boy G. M., et al. (2022).  Structured reflection increases intentions to reduce other people’s health risks during COVID-19. PNAS Nexus.
Chuang, R., Ishii K., Kim H. S., & Sherman D. K. (2022).  Swinging for the fences versus advancing the runner: Culture, motivation, and strategic decision making. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
