CPCN 2024
Evan Layher and Tyler Santander each gave fascinating talks during UCSB's weekly Cognition, Perception, and Cognitive Neuroscience (CPCN) seminar. Evan discussed his recent research using single neuron recording to distinguish between memory-selective and decision bias-selective neurons. Tyler presented new split-brain data that suggests that the unity of mind and brain does not depend upon a fully-intact corpus callosum.
CNS 2024
The Miller Lab attended the annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference in Toronto, Ontario! Selin Bekir presented a poster about disconnection syndrome in a new cohort of split-brain patients. Tyler Santander presented a poster and did a data blitz on the impacts of callosotomy on the functional architecture of those split-brain patients. Evan Layher presented a poster on the modulation of memory-selective neurons in the MTL and MFC by decision criterion.
SfN 2023
Evan Layher presents at SfN 2023 in Washington, D.C.! He presented a poster about Human medial temporal lobe (MTL) and medial frontal cortex (MFC) neurons represent metacognitive confidence judgments in a domain-specific manner across recognition memory and visual discrimination tests.
PBS NOVA Episode
The Miller Lab is featured on the 50th episode anniversary of PBS NOVA, titled 'Your Brain: Who's in Control?' Dr. Miller and Selin Bekir can be seen in the episode guiding the host (Dr. Heather Berlin) through a series of tasks used with split-brain patients.
Learning & Memory 2023
Selin Bekir, Kaitlyn Deen, and Courtney Durdle present at Learning and Memory 2023! Kaitlyn presented a poster about the impact of psychopathic tendencies on incentivized memory-based decisions. Courtney Durdle presented a poster about the effect of monetary incentives as criterion manipulations for freely recalled episodic events.
CNS 2023
The Miller Lab presents at CNS 2023 and rocked out with Pavlov's Dogz ! Selin Bekir presented a poster about a modulatory role of progesterone in inter- and intra-hemispheric functional connectivity of the inferior frontal gyrus. Courtney Durdle presented a poster about using resting state functional connectivity as a predictor for shifting behavior during a recognition memory paradigm. Luna Li presented a poster about individual differences in strategically and implicitly reinforced criterion shifting in recognition memory. Tyler Santander presented a poster about distributed representations of familiarity and decisional processes in recognition memory via dense-sampling fMRI. Evan Layher presented a poster about the intraparietal sulcus' role in criterion shifting during recognition memory versus visual detection tests. Henri Skinner presented a poster about dissociating sources of sustained attention failures via reward, and Christina Boardman presented a poster about criterion shift association of EEG.
Grad Slam 2023
Courtney competed in the annual Grad Slam Showcase at UCSB!
Psychonomics 2022
Luna Li presented a poster about individual differences for strategically and implicitly reinforced criterion shifting in recognition memory at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting in Boston.
Brain Camp 2022
Courtney Durdle and Sara Leslie attended the annual Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience (AKA "Brain Camp") at UC Santa Barbara.
APS 2022
Courtney Durdle presented a poster at APS about criterion shifting for freely recalled episodic events.
OSSD 2022
Jessica Simonson presented a poster at the annual OSSD conference about the effects of hormonal contraception on auditory emotional memory.
URCA 2022
Miller lab members present at the URCA Conference. Aarushi Agrawal presented a poster about the effects of oral hormonal contraceptives on the ease of recall of an emotional autobiographical memory. Tanya Bhatia presented her work in the Bionic Vision Lab about the strategies, challenges, and technology use by blind people in cooking and other daily living activities. Patrick Sweeney presented a poster about the effects of confidence feedback on sequential dependencies and metacognitive efficiency in recognition memory.
CNS 2022
The Miller lab presents at CNS with the Grafton and Lapate labs. Evan Layher presented a poster about widespread frontoparietal networks associated with decision criterion during recognition memory in a dense sampling fMRI study. Selin Bekir presented a poster about a dense sampling and intrinsic functional connectivity approach to progesterone and interhemispheric decoupling. Tyler Santander, Sara Leslie, and Luna Li presented a poster about a meta-analytic tool for modeling and optimizing transcranial electrical stimulation effects.
CNS 2021 (Virtual)
The Miller lab presents at CNS. Tyler Santader presented a data blitz talk and poster about flexible networks associated with adaptive decision making strategies during recognition memory in a dense sampling fMRI study. Evan Layher presented a poster assessing the effects of trial-by-trial feedback on individual criterion shifting strategies.
Psychonomic Society 2020 (Virtual)
The Miller lab presents at Psychonomic Society. Mike Miller gave a riveting talk on individual differences in criterion shifting. Sara Leslie presented a poster assessing the relationship between metacognition and criterion shifting and Evan Layher presented a poster about individual differences in model fits between Signal Detection Theory vs. other models.
Bay Area Memory Meeting 2020 (Virtual)
The Miller lab presents at the first ever virtual BAMM. Tyler Santander and Evan Layher presented talks during the data blitz!
Miller lab welcomes new grad students Henri, Luna, and Selin!
The Miller lab added 3 new grad students to the lab: Henri Skinner, Luna Li, and Selin Bekir! We are all looking forward to see these students develop as influential researchers!
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2020 (Virtual)
The Miller lab presents at the first ever virtual CNS. Evan Layher presented a poster on fMRI activity related to familiarity strength vs. decision criteria, Tyler Santander presented a poster on fronto-parietal contributions to criterion shifting, and Christina Boardman presented a poster discussing EEG correlates of criterion shifting.
Rapid Adaptive Decision-making and Recovery from Stress
The Giesbrecht, Grafton, and Miller labs begin a new project through a large Institute of Collaborative Biotechnologies grant to study Rapid Adaptive Decision-making and Recovery from Stress (RADARS).
Bay Area Memory Meeting 2019 (San Jose)
The Miller and Jacobs labs drove to San Jose to present at the 15th annual Bay Area Memory Meeting (BAMM). Evan Layher, Tyler Santander, and Caitlin Taylor gave talks.
Tyler Santander attends the 2019 Kavli SICN at UCSB
Tyler Santander attended the two-week Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience at UCSB, which hosted over 70 fellows from around the world!
Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2019 (Rome)
The Miller and Jacobs labs flew to Rome to present at the 25th annual Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) conference. Evan Layher presented a poster. Laura Pritschet presented a poster.
Nickita, Matejas, and Hana present at the 2019 UCLA PURC
Nickita Gupta, Matejas Mackin, and Hana Simon presented a poster at the 2019 UCLA Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference.
Isaiah and Luke present at the 2019 UCSB Research colloquium
Isaiah Rodriguez and Luke Hamilton presented a poster at the Undergraduate Research Colloquium at UCSB. Isaiah received an URCA grant to fund the research project. Congratulations on graduating from UCSB Isaiah, you will be missed!
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019 (San Francisco)
The Miller and Grafton labs drove to San Francisco and presented research findings at the 26th annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) meeting. Evan Layher, Courtney Durdle, and Sara Leslie presented a poster as did Tyler Santander, Liann Jimmons, and Jamie Raymer.
International Brain Stimulation Conference 2019 (Vancouver)
The Miller lab tries to better understand neurostimulation methods at the 3rd International Brain Stimulation conference in Vancouver. Evan Layher presented a poster.
Psychonomic Society 2018 (New Orleans)
The Miller lab flew to New Orleans to present at the 59th annual Psychonomic Society. Dr. Miller presented a talk titled 'Not All People Are Cut Out for Criterion Shifting on a Recognition Test' and Evan Layher presented a poster.
Society for Neuroscience 2018 (San Diego)
The Miller lab attended the 48th annual Society for Neuroscience in San Diego. Tyler Santander presented a poster.