
Found 111 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Hartson, K. A., & Sherman D. K. (2012).  Gradual escalation: The role of continuous commitments in perceptions of guilt. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48, 1279–1290.
Brick, C., Sherman D. K., & Kim H. S. (2017).  “Green to be seen” and “brown to keep down”: Visibility moderates the effect of identity on pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 51, 226–238.
Sherman, D. K., Kinias Z., Major B., Kim H. S., & Prenovost M. (2007).  The group as a resource: Reducing biased attributions for group success and failure via group affirmation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 33, 1100–1112.
Brick, C., McCully S. N., Updegraff J. A., Ehret P. J., Areguin M. A., & Sherman D. K. (2016).  Impact of cultural exposure and message framing on oral health behavior: exploring the role of message memory. Medical Decision Making. 36, 834–843.
Sherman, D. K., Updegraff J. A., & Mann T. (2008).  Improving oral health behavior: A social psychological approach. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 139, 1382–1387.
Badea, C., Binning K.R., Verlhiac J., & Sherman D.K. (2017).  In the aftermath of terrorism: Effects of self- versus group-affirmation on support for discriminatory policies. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology .
Leong, S., Eom K., Ishii K., Aichberger M. C., Fetz K., Müller T. S., et al. (2022).  Individual costs and community benefits: Collectivism and individuals’ compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions to combat COVID-19. PLoSONE.
Ehret, P.J., & Sherman D.K. (2018).  Integrating self-affirmation and implementation intentions: Effects on college student drinking. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Lee, C. S., & Sherman D. K. (2023).  Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study. Clinical Case Studies.
Lee, C. S., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study. Clinical Case Studies.
Sherman, D.K., Brookfield J., & Ortosky L. (2017).  Intergroup conflict and barriers to common ground: A self-affirmation perspective. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
Kim, H. S., Sherman D. K., & Taylor S. E. (2009).  The irony of cultural psychology research.
Van Boven, L., Ramos J., Montal-Rosenberg R., Kogut T., Sherman D.K., & Slovic P. (2019).  It depends: Partisan evaluation of conditional probability importance. Cognition. 188, 51 - 63.
Updegraff, J. A., Brick C., Emanuel A. S., Mintzer R. E., & Sherman D. K. (2015).  Message framing for health: Moderation by perceived susceptibility and motivational orientation in a diverse sample of Americans. Health Psychology. 34(1), 20.
Sherman, D. K., Nelson L. D., & Ross L. D. (2003).  Naive Realism and Affirmative Action: Adversaries are More Similar Than They Think. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 25, 275–289.
Dunning, D., Leuenberger A., & Sherman D. A. (1995).  A new look at motivated inference: Are self-serving theories of success a product of motivational forces?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 69, 58.
Saphire-Bernstein, S., Way B. M., Kim H. S., Sherman D. K., & Taylor S. E. (2011).  Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108, 15118–15122.
Ehret, P.J., Sherman D.K., & Van Boven L. (2018).  Partisan barriers to bipartisanship: Understanding climate policy. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Cole, J. C., Flores A., Jiga-Boy G. M., Klein O., Sherman D. K., & Van Boven L. (2023).  Party over pandemic: Trust in political leaders and experts explains public support for COVID-19 policies. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Sherman, D. K., Hogg M. A., & Maitner A. T. (2009).  Perceived polarization: Reconciling ingroup and intergroup perceptions under uncertainty. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 12, 95–109.
Leong, S., Hegarty M., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Pluralistic ignorance and occupational choice: The impact of communicating norms on graduate students’ career aspirations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Van Boven, L., Judd C. M., & Sherman D. K. (2012).  Political polarization projection: social projection of partisan attitude extremity and attitudinal processes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 103, 84.
Flores, A., Cole J. C., Dickert S., Eom K., Jiga-Boy G. M., Kogut T., et al. (2022).  Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Gromet, D. M., Hartson K. A., & Sherman D. K. (2015).  The politics of luck: Political ideology and the perceived relationship between luck and success. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 59, 40–46.
Taylor, S. E., Lerner J. S., Sherman D. K., Sage R. M., & McDowell N. K. (2003).  Portrait of the self-enhancer: well adjusted and well liked or maladjusted and friendless?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 84, 165.
