Reprint Requests
Delayed feedback effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 29(4), 650-662.
(2003). Disrupting feedback processing interferes with rule-based but not information-integration category learning.
Memory & Cognition. 32(4), 582-591.
(2004). Comparing decision bound and exemplar models of categorization.
Perception & psychophysics. 53, 49–70.
(1993). Dissociating explicit and procedural-learning based systems of perceptual category learning.
Behavioral Processes. 66(3), 309-332.
(2004). Relationships between linear systems theory and covarian ce structure modeling.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 30, 1–27.
(1986). On what it means to automatize a rule.
Cognition. 226, 105168.
(2022). A neurocomputational theory of how rule-guided behaviors become automatic.
Psychological Review. 128, 488-508.
(2021). Influence of positive affect on the subjective utility of gains and losses: It's just not worth the risk..
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 55, 710-717.
(1988). A general recognition theory model for identifying an ideal stimulus.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 84, 2408–2421.
(2022). Modulation of dopamine for adaptive learning: A neurocomputational model.
Computational Brain & Behavior. 1–19.
(2020). Trial-by-trial identification of categorization strategy using iterative decision-bound modeling.
Behavioral Research Methods. 49(3), 1146-1162.
(2017). A neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27(7), 1412-1426.
(2015). Evidence for cortical automaticity in rule-based categorization.
Journal of Neuroscience. 30(42), 14225-14234.
(2010). Automaticity in rule-based and information-integration categorization.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 72(4), 1013-1031.
(2010). Simulating the effects of dopamine imbalance on cognition: From positive affect to Parkinson's disease.
Neural Networks. 32, 74-85.
(2012). A neurocomputational account of cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease.
Neuropsychologia. 50(9), 2290-2302.
(2012). Learning robust cortico-cortical associations with the basal ganglia: an integrative review.
Cortex. 64, 123-35.
(2015). Learning and transfer of category knowledge in an indirect categorization task.
Psychological Research. 76(3), 292-303.
(2012). Simulating category learning and set shifting deficits in patients weight-restored from anorexia nervosa.
Neuropsychology. 28(5), 741-51.
(2014). Quantitative modeling of category learning deficits in various patient populations.
Neuropsychology. 31, 862-876.
(2017). The relative sensitivities of same-different and identification judgment models to perceptual dependence.
Psychometrika. 58, 257–279.
(2003). Dynamical trajectories in category learning.
Perception & Psychophysics. 66(8), 1318-1340.
(2004). The effects of category overlap on information-integration and rule-based category learning.
Perception & Psychophysics. 68(6), 1013-1026.
(2006). The impact of category separation on unsupervised categorization.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 74(2), 466-475.