Title | Disrupting feedback processing interferes with rule-based but not information-integration category learning |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | W Maddox, T., F Ashby G., A Ing D., & Pickering A. D. |
Journal | Memory & Cognition |
Volume | 32 |
Issue | 4 |
Pagination | 582-591 |
Date Published | 2004 Jun |
ISSN | 0090-502X |
Keywords | Feedback, Humans, Learning, Memory, Mental Processes, Reaction Time |
Abstract | The effect of a sequentially presented memory scanning task on rule-based and information-integration category learning was investigated. On each trial in the short feedback-processing time condition, memory scanning immediately followed categorization. On each trial in the long feedback-processing time condition, categorization was followed by a 2.5-sec delay and then memory scanning. In the control condition, no memory scanning was required. Rule-based category learning was significantly worse in the short feedback-processing time condition than in the long feedback-processing time condition or control condition, whereas information-integration category learning was equivalent across conditions. In the rule-based condition, a smaller proportion of observers learned the task in the short feedback-processing time condition, and those who learned took longer to reach the performance criterion than did those in the long feedback-processing time or control condition. No differences were observed in the information integration task. These results provide support for a multiple-systems approach to category learning and argue against the validity of single-system approaches. |
Alternate Journal | Mem Cognit |
PubMed ID | 15478752 |
Grant List | MH3760 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States R01 MH59196 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States |