A neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production

TitleA neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsHelie, S., Roeder J. L., Vucovich L., Rünger D., & F Ashby G.
JournalJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Date Published2015 Jul
KeywordsAnimals, Basal Ganglia, Computer Simulation, Fingers, Haplorhini, Humans, Learning, Models, Neurological, Motor Cortex, Motor Skills, Neural Pathways, Neuronal Plasticity, Neurons, Reaction Time, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Most behaviors unfold in time and include a sequence of submovements or cognitive activities. In addition, most behaviors are automatic and repeated daily throughout life. Yet, relatively little is known about the neurobiology of automatic sequence production. Past research suggests a gradual transfer from the associative striatum to the sensorimotor striatum, but a number of more recent studies challenge this role of the BG in automatic sequence production. In this article, we propose a new neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production in which the main role of the BG is to train cortical-cortical connections within the premotor areas that are responsible for automatic sequence production. The new model is used to simulate four different data sets from human and nonhuman animals, including (1) behavioral data (e.g., RTs), (2) electrophysiology data (e.g., single-neuron recordings), (3) macrostructure data (e.g., TMS), and (4) neurological circuit data (e.g., inactivation studies). We conclude with a comparison of the new model with existing models of automatic sequence production and discuss a possible new role for the BG in automaticity and its implication for Parkinson's disease.

Alternate JournalJ Cogn Neurosci
PubMed ID25671503
Grant ListP01NS044393 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States