Automaticity in rule-based and information-integration categorization

TitleAutomaticity in rule-based and information-integration categorization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsHelie, S., Waldschmidt J. G., & F Ashby G.
JournalAttention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Date Published2010 May
KeywordsAssociation Learning, Comprehension, Depth Perception, Discrimination Learning, Feedback, Humans, Memory, Models, Psychological, Orientation, Pattern Recognition, Visual, Practice (Psychology), Reaction Time

Three experiments studied the effects of category structure on the development of categorization automaticity. In Experiment 1, participants were each trained for over 10,000 trials in a simple categorization task with one of three category structures. Results showed that after the first few sessions, there were no significant behavioral differences between participants who learned rule-based versus information-integration category structures. Experiment 2 showed that switching the locations of the response keys after automaticity had developed caused a similar highly significant interference, regardless of category structure. In Experiment 3, a simultaneous dual task that engaged executive functions did not interfere with either rule-based or information-integration categorization. These novel results are consistent with a theory assuming separate processing pathways for initial rule-based and information-integration category learning but a common processing pathway after the development of automaticity.

Alternate JournalAtten Percept Psychophys
PubMed ID20436197
Grant ListR01 MH3760-2 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States