Self-affirmation for stress protection.
Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology. 2,
(In Press). The connections—and misconnections—between the public and politicians over climate policy: A social psychological perspective.
Social Issues and Policy Review.
(2024). Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study.
Clinical Case Studies.
(2024). Pluralistic ignorance and occupational choice: The impact of communicating norms on graduate students’ career aspirations.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
(2024). Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study.
Clinical Case Studies.
(2023). Party over pandemic: Trust in political leaders and experts explains public support for COVID-19 policies.
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
(2023). Self-affirmation and the reduction of intergroup biases: Changing the narrative and the potential for conflict reduction.
Psychological Intergroup Interventions: Where We Are and Where Do We Go From Here.
(2023). Who needs control? A cultural perspective on the process of compensatory control.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
(2023). Beliefs and social norms as precursors of environmental support: The joint influence of collectivism and socioeconomic status.
Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
(2022). Diagnostic uncertainty in patients, parents, and physicians: A compensatory control theory perspective.
Health Psychology Review.
(2022). Politicians polarize and experts depolarize public support for COVID-19 management policies across countries.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
(2022). Psychology and the threat of contagion: How perceived vulnerability to disease moderates the link between xenophobic thoughts and support for xenophobic actions.
Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
(2022). Social norms explain prioritization of climate policy.
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(2022). Structured reflection increases intentions to reduce other people’s health risks during COVID-19.
PNAS Nexus.
(2022). Swinging for the fences versus advancing the runner: Culture, motivation, and strategic decision making.
Social Psychological and Personality Science.
(2022). The challenges of military veterans in the workplace: A call for integrating basic and applied psychological science.
Perspectives on Psychological Science.
(2021). The changing landscape of doctoral education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: PhD students, faculty advisors, and preferences for varied career options.
Frontiers in Psychology.
(2021). Conformity to group norms: How group-affirmation shapes collective action.
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
(2021). Elite influence on public attitudes about climate policy.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
(2021). The exchange between citizens and elected officials: A social psychological framework for citizen climate activists.
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(2021). Securing self-integrity over time: Self-affirmation disrupts a negative cycle between psychological threat and academic performance.
Journal of Social Issues.
(2021). Self-affirmation interventions.
Handbook of Wise Interventions: How Social Psychology Can Help People Change.
(2021). Self-affirmation theory in educational contexts.
Journal of Social Issues.