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Eich E., Schooler J.W..  2000.  Cognition/emotion interactions. Cognition and emotion. :3-29.
Eich E., Geraerts E., Schooler J.W., Forgas J.P..  2009.  Memory In and About Affect. Cognitive Psychology. Learning and memory:239-260.
Fallshore M, Schooler J.W.  1995.  Verbal vulnerability of perceptual expertise.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 21(6):1608-23.
Fallshore M, Schooler J.  1993.  Post-encoding verbalization impairs transfer on artificial grammar tasks. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
Fathi DC, Schooler J, Loftus E.  1984.  Moving survey problems into the cognitive psychology laboratory. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  1997.  Right hemisphere contributions to creative problem solving: Converging evidence for divergent thinking. Right Hemisphere Language Comprehension. :349-372.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  2002.  How did you get here from there? Verbal overshadowing of spatial mental models Applied Cognitive Psychology. 16(8):897–910.
Fiore SM, Schooler J.W.  2001.  Convergent or Divergent Problem Space Search: The Effect of Problem Structure on Group Versus Individual Problem Solving. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  2004.  Process mapping and shared cognition: Teamwork and the development of shared problem models. Team Cognition: Understanding the Factors that Drive Process and Performance. :133-152.
Fiore SM, Cuevas HM, Schooler J.W, Salas E.  2006.  Cognition, Teams, and Team Cognition: Memory Actions and Memory Failures in Distributed Team Environments.. Creating High Tech Teams. :71-88.
Foster R.A, Libkuman T.M, Schooler J.W, Loftus E.F.  1994.  Consequentiality and eyewitness person identification. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 8:107-121.
Franklin MS, Mrazek MD, Anderson CL, Smallwood J, Kingstone A, Schooler J.  2013.  The silver lining of a mind in the clouds: Interesting musings are associated with positive mood while mind-wandering. Frontiers in Psychology. 4
Franklin MS, Mrazek MD, Anderson CL, Johnston C, Smallwood J, Kingstone A, Schooler JW.  2014.  Tracking Distraction: The Relationship Between Mind-Wandering, Meta-Awareness, and ADHD Symptomatology. Journal of attention disorders. 21(6):475-486.
Franklin MS, Broadway JM, Mrazek MD, Smallwood J, Schooler JW.  2013.  Window to the Wandering Mind: Pupillometry of Spontaneous Thought While Reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66(12):2289-2294.
Franklin M.S., Mooneyham B.W., Baird B., Schooler J.W..  2013.  Thinking one thing, saying another: The behavioral correlates of mind-wandering while reading aloud. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 21(1):205-210.
