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Computational cognitive neuroscience models of categorization.
In R. Sun (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Cognitive Sciences (pp.400-425). Cambridge University Press.
(2023). Statistical decision theory.
In F. G. Ashby, H. Colonius, & E. Dzhafarov (Eds.), The new handbook of mathematical psychology, Volume 3 (pp. 265-310). Cambridge University Press.
(2023). A role for the medial temporal lobes in category learning.
Learning & Memory. 27, 441-450.
(2020). Simulating category learning and set shifting deficits in patients weight-restored from anorexia nervosa.
Neuropsychology. 28(5), 741-51.
Cortical and striatal contributions to automaticity in information-integration categorization..
Neuroimage. 56(3), 1791-802.
(2011). Automaticity in rule-based and information-integration categorization.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 72(4), 1013-1031.
(2010). Fitting computational models to fMRI.
Behavioral Research Methods. 40(3), 713-721.
(2008). Category learning deficits in Parkinson's disease.
Neuropsychology. 17(1), 115-24.
(2003). Procedural learning in perceptual categorization.
Memory & Cognition. 31(7), 1114-1125.
(2003). Multiple attention systems in perceptual categorization.
Memory & Cognition. 30, 325–339.
(2002). The effects of concurrent task interference on category learning: Evidence for multiple category learning systems.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 8, 168–176.
(2001). Suboptimality in human categorization and identification.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 130, 77.
(2001). The neuropsychological bases of category learning.
Current Directions in Psychological Science. 9, 10–14.
(2000). On the nature of implicit categorization.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 6, 363–378.
(1999). A neuropsychological theory of multiple systems in category learning.
Psychological Review. 105, 442-481.