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Modulation of dopamine for adaptive learning: A neurocomputational model.
Computational Brain & Behavior. 1–19.
(2020). The categorization experiment: Experimental design and data analysis.
In E. J. Wagenmakers & J. T. Wixted (Eds.), Stevens handbook of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience, Fourth Edition, Volume Five: Methodology. New York: Wiley. 307-.
(2018). Linking signal detection theory and encoding models to reveal independent neural representations from neuroimaging data.
PLOS Computational Biology. 14(10), e1006470.
(2018). Multiple systems of perceptual category learning: Theory and cognitive tests.
In H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre (Eds.), Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science (Second Edition). 157–188.
(2017). Dopamine dependence in aggregate feedback learning: A computational cognitive neuroscience approach.
Brain & Cognition. 109, 1-18.
(2016). The role of feedback contingency in perceptual category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 42(11), 1731-1746.
(2016). Differential effects of dopamine-directed treatments on cognition.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 11, 1859-1875.
(2015). Differential effects of dopamine-directed treatments on cognition.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 11, 1859-1875.
(2015). General recognition theory with individual differences: a new method for examining perceptual and decisional interactions with an application to face perception.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 22(1), 88-111.
(2015). Neural networks underlying the metacognitive uncertainty response.
Cortex. 71, 306-22.
(2015). A neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27(7), 1412-1426.
(2015). A computational model of the temporal dynamics of plasticity in procedural learning: Sensitivity to feedback timing.
Frontiers in Psychology. 5, 643.
(2014). Computational cognitive neuroscience: Building and testing biologically plausible computational models of neuroscience, neuroimaging, and behavioral data.
Statistical and process models for cognitive neuroscience and aging. 15–58.
(2007). FROST: a distributed neurocomputational model of working memory maintenance.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17(11), 1728-1743.
(2005). Multiple systems of perceptual category learning: Theory and cognitive tests.
Handbook of categorization in cognitive science. 547–572.
(2005). The effects of positive affect and arousal on working memory and executive attention.
In S. Moore & M. Oaksford (Eds.), Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Behaviour. 245–288.