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F Ashby, G., & Crossley M. J. (2011).  A computational model of how cholinergic interneurons protect striatal-dependent learning.. J Cogn Neurosci. 23(6), 1549-66.
Waldschmidt, J. G., & F Ashby G. (2011).  Cortical and striatal contributions to automaticity in information-integration categorization.. Neuroimage. 56(3), 1791-802.
F Ashby, G., Paul E. J., & ToddMaddox W. (2011).  COVIS. In E. M. Pothos & A. J. Wills (Eds.), Formal approaches in categorization. 65-87.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (2011).  Human category learning 2.0. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1224, 147-161.
Paul, E. J., Boomer J., J Smith D., & F Ashby G. (2011).  Information-integration category learning and the human uncertainty response. Memory & Cognition. 39(3), 536-554.
F Ashby, G., & Helie S. (2011).  The neurodynamics of cognition: A tutorial on computational cognitive neuroscience. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 55(4), 273-289.
J Smith, D., F Ashby G., Berg M. E., Murphy M. S., Spiering B., Cook R. G., et al. (2011).  Pigeons' categorization may be exclusively nonanalytic. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18(2), 414-421.
F Ashby, G. (2011).  Statistical analysis of fMRI data.
Helie, S., Waldschmidt J. G., & F Ashby G. (2010).  Automaticity in rule-based and information-integration categorization. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 72(4), 1013-1031.
W Maddox, T., Glass B. D., O'Brien J. B., J Filoteo V., & F Ashby G. (2010).  Category label and response location shifts in category learning. Psychological Research. 74(2), 219-236.
F Ashby, G., Turner B. O., & Horvitz J. C. (2010).  Cortical and basal ganglia contributions to habit learning and automaticity. Trends in Cognitive Science. 14(5), 208-215.
Helie, S., Roeder J. L., & F Ashby G. (2010).  Evidence for cortical automaticity in rule-based categorization. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(42), 14225-14234.
J Smith, D., Beran M. J., Crossley M. J., Boomer J., & F Ashby G. (2010).  Implicit and explicit category learning by macaques (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 36(1), 54-65.
F Ashby, G., & Crossley M. J. (2010).  The neurobiology of categorization. The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press, New York. 75–98.
F Ashby, G., & Waldschmidt J. G. (2008).  Fitting computational models to fMRI. Behavioral Research Methods. 40(3), 713-721.
Spiering, B. J., & F Ashby G. (2008).  Initial training with difficult items facilitates information integration, but not rule-based category learning. Psychological Science. 19(11), 1169-1177.
F Ashby, G., & O'Brien J. B. (2008).  The P_rep statistic as a measure of confidence in model fitting. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 15(1), 16-27.
Spiering, B. J., & F Ashby G. (2008).  Response processes in information-integration category learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 90(2), 330-338.
Casale, M. B., & F Ashby G. (2008).  A role for the perceptual representation memory system in category learning. Perception & Psychophysics. 70(6), 983-999.
