The neurodynamics of cognition: A tutorial on computational cognitive neuroscience

TitleThe neurodynamics of cognition: A tutorial on computational cognitive neuroscience
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsF Ashby, G., & Helie S.
JournalJournal of Mathematical Psychology
Date Published2011 Aug 01

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) is a new field that lies at the intersection of computational neuroscience, machine learning, and neural network theory (i.e., connectionism). The ideal CCN model should not make any assumptions that are known to contradict the current neuroscience literature and at the same time provide good accounts of behavior and at least some neuroscience data (e.g., single-neuron activity, fMRI data). Furthermore, once set, the architecture of the CCN network and the models of each individual unit should remain fixed throughout all applications. Because of the greater weight they place on biological accuracy, CCN models differ substantially from traditional neural network models in how each individual unit is modeled, how learning is modeled, and how behavior is generated from the network. A variety of CCN solutions to these three problems are described. A real example of this approach is described, and some advantages and limitations of the CCN approach are discussed.

Alternate JournalJ Math Psychol
PubMed ID21841845
PubMed Central IDPMC3153062
Grant ListP01 NS044393 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
P01 NS044393-06A1 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States