Reprint Requests
Comparing decision bound and exemplar models of categorization.
Perception & psychophysics. 53, 49–70.
(1993). A probabilistic multidimensional model of location information.
Psychological Research. 56, 66–77.
(1994). Multiple attention systems in perceptual categorization.
Memory & Cognition. 30, 325–339.
(2002). Response time distributions in multidimensional perceptual categorization.
Perception & Psychophysics. 60, 620–637.
(1998). Category label and response location shifts in category learning.
Psychological Research. 74(2), 219-236.
(2010). Disrupting feedback processing interferes with rule-based but not information-integration category learning.
Memory & Cognition. 32(4), 582-591.
(2004). Dissociating explicit and procedural-learning based systems of perceptual category learning.
Behavioral Processes. 66(3), 309-332.
(2004). Delayed feedback effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 29(4), 650-662.
(2003). Selective attention and the formation of linear decision boundaries: Comment on McKinley and Nosofsky (1996).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 24, 301-321.
(1998). Perceptual separability, decisional separability, and the identification–speeded classification relationship.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance. 22, 795.
(1996). Deconvolving BOLD activation in event-related designs for multivoxel pattern classification analyses.
NeuroImage. 59(3), 2636-2643.
(2012). Neural networks underlying the metacognitive uncertainty response.
Cortex. 71, 306-22.
(2015). A neurocomputational theory of how explicit learning bootstraps early procedural learning.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7, 177.
(2013). Information-integration category learning and the human uncertainty response.
Memory & Cognition. 39(3), 536-554.
(2011). A test for perceptual independence with dissimilarity data.
Applied Psychological Measurement. 15, 79–93.
(1991). Testing analogical rule transfer in pigeons (Columba livia).
Cognition. 183, 256-268.
(2019). What is automatized during perceptual categorization?.
Cognition. 154, 22-33.
(2018). Retinal-specific category learning.
Nature Human Behaviour. 1.
(2018). A difficulty predictor for perceptual category learning.
Journal of Vision. 19(6), 20.
(2019). When instructions don't help: Knowing the optimal strategy facilitates rule-based but not information-integration category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 47, 1226-1236.
(2021). Linear separability, irrelevant variability, and categorization difficulty.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. 48, 159-172.
(2022). Response-mode shifts during sequence learning of macaque monkeys.
Psychological Research. 77(2), 223-233.
(2013). Generalization of category knowledge and dimensional categorization in humans (Homo sapiens) and nonhuman primates (Macaca mulatta).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. 41(4), 322-335.
(2015). The time course of explicit and implicit categorization.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 77(7), 2476-2490.