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Book Chapter
Sherman, D. K., Lokhande M., Müller T., & Cohen G. L. (2021).  Self-affirmation interventions. Handbook of Wise Interventions: How Social Psychology Can Help People Change.
Journal Article
Sherman, D. K., Updegraff J. A., Handy M. S., Eom K., & Kim H. S. (2022).  Beliefs and social norms as precursors of environmental support: The joint influence of collectivism and socioeconomic status. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
Badea, C., Binning K. R., Sherman D. K., Boza M., & Kende A. (2021).  Conformity to group norms: How group-affirmation shapes collective action. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Sherman, D. K., & Van Boven L. (2024).  The connections—and misconnections—between the public and politicians over climate policy: A social psychological perspective. Social Issues and Policy Review.
Van Boven, L., & Sherman D. K. (2021).  Elite influence on public attitudes about climate policy. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
Lee, C. S., & Sherman D. K. (2023).  Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study. Clinical Case Studies.
Lee, C. S., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Integration of motivational interviewing and self-affirmation theory into a culturally adapted motivational interview: A case study. Clinical Case Studies.
Leong, S., Hegarty M., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Pluralistic ignorance and occupational choice: The impact of communicating norms on graduate students’ career aspirations. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Kim, H. S., Chuang R., Eom K., & Sherman D. K. (2022).  Psychology and the threat of contagion: How perceived vulnerability to disease moderates the link between xenophobic thoughts and support for xenophobic actions. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin.
Binning, K. R., Cook J. E., Greenaway V. P., Garcia J., Apfel N., Sherman D. K., et al. (2021).  Securing self-integrity over time: Self-affirmation disrupts a negative cycle between psychological threat and academic performance. Journal of Social Issues.
Easterbrook, M. J., Harris P. R., & Sherman D. K. (2021).  Self-affirmation theory in educational contexts. Journal of Social Issues.
Chuang, R., Ishii K., Kim H. S., & Sherman D. K. (2021).  Swinging for the fences versus advancing the runner: Culture, motivation, and strategic decision making. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Brick, C., & Sherman D. K. (2021).  When does being watched change pro-environmental behaviors in the laboratory?. Sustainability.
Gibbs, W. C., Kim H. S., Kay A. C., & Sherman D. K. (2023).  Who needs control? A cultural perspective on the process of compensatory control. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
Kim, H. S., Eom K., Panzone L. A., & Sherman D. K. (2024).  Why do I act for the environment? Socioeconomic status moderates the relationship between climate change beliefs and sustainable actions.. Motivation Science.