
An exciting recent advance in the lab’s research agenda has been an examination of the impact of meditation and mindfulness techniques on attenuating mind-wandering.  Conceptually speaking mind-wandering, which entails the mind’s drifting away from the here and now, can be conceived of as something akin to the opposite of mindfulness, in which the mind is focused on the present.  A recent article by Mrazek, Smallwood, and Schooler (2012) demonstrated that individuals who show a penchant for mindfulness (as measured by a variety of pre-existing self report measures) are less inclined to mind-wander in the laboratory.   Perhaps even more importantly this study further demonstrated that a simple technique for enhancing mindfulness (attending to the breath for 10 minutes) reduces the behavioral consequences of mind-wandering.    We are also extremely encouraged by results of a recent meditation training study (Mrazek et al, 2013) in which undergraduates received either a two week meditation class or a two week nutrition class.  Comparisons between performance on pre and post test measures of both mind-wandering and reading comprehension revealed a marked reduction in mind-wandering and improvement in reading performance for participants in the meditation training condition, but no change for participants in the nutrition condition. More recently, a similar study found that a multifaceted intensive six week mindfulness program led to marked reductions in stress as indexed by an assortment of measures including subjective, behavioral, neuroendocrine, neural, genomic, and third-party ratings of stress (Mrazek et al., 2021).

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Selected Publications


Jonathan Schooler

My lab’s research takes a “big picture” perspective in attempting to understand the nature of mental life, and in particular consciousness. Combining empirical, philosophical, and contemplative traditions, we address broad questions that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries.

James Elliott

James Elliott, Ph.D, is a cognitive neuroscientist with a background in behavioral, EEG, and fMRI methodologies. He has a keen interest in exploring how traditional meditation techniques can be used to help inform a scientific understanding of consciousness. 

Michael Mrazek

Michael Mrazek is the co-founder of UCSB’s Center for Mindfulness & Human Potential and an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Promotion & Behavioral Science at UTHealth Houston. He co-leads Finding Focus—an EdTech initiative to improve adolescents’ focus and mental health. 

Alissa Mrazek

Alissa Mrazek is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at UT Austin as well as a long-time collaborator with the META Lab. Alissa conducted a post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential with Dr. Jonathan Schooler from 2016-2020. Before working at UCSB, Alissa completed her Ph.D. in 2016 at Northwestern University where she began appreciating the synergistic benefits of integrative interventions—particularly when combining mindset training with strategy training. 

Dharma Lewis

Dharma is a first-generation scholar born in Mexico City and raised in Los Angeles, who is passionate about empowering learners of all experiences and backgrounds. She is interested in harnessing the power of meta-cognition and mindfulness in pedagogical interventions. Outside of the lab, you can find her on the beach making playlists or doing aerial yoga wherever she can find some silks.

Kiana Sabugo

Kiana is interested in the relationship between meditation, mind wandering, and belief in free will. She completed an honors thesis with advisor James Elliott and graduated from UCSB in June of 2022 with a B.S. in Psychological & Brain Sciences and a B.A. in Philosophy. She is currently the assistant at UCSB's Brain Imaging Center.