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Multiple mechanisms mediate individual differences in eyewitness accuracy and suggestibility. Mechanisms of Practical Cognition. :177-203.
1993. Here today, gone tomorrow: The appearance and disappearance of context effects. Memory in Context: Context in Memory. :215-229.
1988. Some deleterious consequences of the act of recollection. Memory and Cognition. 16(3):243-251.
1988. Memory. Encyclopedia of science & technology. 1:584-587.
1987. Time went by so slowly: Overestimation of event duration by males and females. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 1(1):3-13.
1987. Individual differences and experimentation: Complementary approaches to interrogative suggestibility. Social Behavior. 1(2):105-112.
1986. Expert testimony. The psychology of evidence and courtroom procedure. :253-279.
1985. The fate of memory: Comment on McCloskey and Zaragoza. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 114(3):375-380.
1985. Information processing conceptualizations of human cognition: Past, present and future. Information & Behavior. :225-251.
1985. Recoding processes in memory: commentary on tulving’s elements of episodic memory.. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7:246-247.