
Found 284 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Loftus E.F, Banaji M., Schooler J.W, Foster R.A.  1987.  Who remembers what: Gender differences in memory. Michigan Quarterly Review. 26:64-85.
Schooler J.W., Loftus E.F..  1986.  Individual differences and experimentation: Complementary approaches to interrogative suggestibility. Social Behavior. 1(2):105-112.
Schooler J.W, Gerhard D, Loftus EF.  1986.  Qualities of the unreal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 12(2):171–181.
Greene E, Schooler J.W., Loftus E.F..  1985.  Expert testimony. The psychology of evidence and courtroom procedure. :253-279.
Loftus E.F., Schooler J.W., Wagenaar W..  1985.  The fate of memory: Comment on McCloskey and Zaragoza. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 114(3):375-380.
Loftus E.F., Schooler J.W..  1985.  Information processing conceptualizations of human cognition: Past, present and future. Information & Behavior. :225-251.
Loftus EF, Schooler J.W, Loftus GR, Glauber DT.  1985.  Memory for events occuring under anesthesia. Acta psychologica. 59(2):123–128.
