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The distracted mind on the wheel: Overall propensity to mind wandering is associated with road crash responsibility.. PLoS One. 12(8)
2017. Prediction of truly random future events using analysis of prestimulus electroencephalographic data. AIP Conference Proceedings.
2017. Believing there is no free will corrupts intuitive cooperation. Cognition. 151:6-9.
2016. Can I get me out of my head? Exploring strategies for controlling the self-referential aspects of the mind-wandering state during reading The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 60(6):1053-1062.
2016. Mind Wandering While Driving What Does it Mean and What do we do about it? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
2015. Bridging the Objective/Subjective Divide: Towards a Meta-Perspective of Science and Experience. Open MIND.
2014. Gaining perspective on death: Training program and language use outcomes assessment.. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. 1(3):169.
2014. Measuring and manipulating beliefs and behaviors associated with free will. Surrounding Free Will: Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience. :72.
2014. Stepping Back and Adding Perspective. Open MIND. 34
2014. .
2013. .
Splitting consciousness: Unconscious, conscious, and metaconscious processes in social cognition. European Review of Social Psychology. 22:1-35.
2011. Unpublished results hide the decline effect. Nature. 470(7335):437.
2011. The Hazards of Claiming to Have Solved the Hard Problem of Free Will. Are we free? Psychology and free will. :181-204.
2008. .
2008. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot blinded, randomized study of stimulation type. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 75(5):290–297.
2006. Mind-wandering with and without awareness: An fMRI study of spontaneous thought processes. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Sun R, ed.).
2006. Establishing a legitimate relationship with introspection. Response to Jack and Roepstorff.. Trends Cogn Sci. 6(9):371.
2002. Moving survey problems into the cognitive psychology laboratory. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section.