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Schooler J.W., Herramn D.J..  1992.  There is more to episodic memory than just episodes. Theoretical perspectives on autobiographical memory.
Schooler J.W, Ryan R.S., Reder L..  1996.  The costs and benefits of verbally rehearsing memory for faces. Basic and Applied Memory: New Findings. :51-65.
Schooler J.W, Ryan R.S., Reder L..  1996.  The costs and benefits of verbally rehearsing memory for faces. Basic and Applied Memory: New Findings. :51-65.
Schooler J.W., Ambadadar Z., Bendikson M..  1997.  A cognitive corroborative case study approach for investigating discovered memories of sexual abuse. Recollections of Trauma: Scientific Research and Clinical Practices. :379-388.
Schooler J.W., Hyman I.E..  1997.  Investigating alternative accounts of veridical and non-veridical memories of trauma: Report of the cognitive working groups. Investigating alternative accounts of veridical and non-veridical memories of trauma: Report of the cognitive working groups. :531-540.
Schooler J.W., Reichle E.D., Halpern D.V..  2004.  Zoning out while reading: Evidence for dissociations between experience and metaconsciousness.. Thinking and Seeing: Visual Metacognition in Adults and Children.. :203-226.
Sayette MA, Reichle ED, Schooler J.W.  2009.  Lost in the Sauce The effects of alcohol on mind wandering. Psychological Science. 20(6):747–752.
Eich E., Geraerts E., Schooler J.W., Forgas J.P..  2009.  Memory In and About Affect. Cognitive Psychology. Learning and memory:239-260.
