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Here today, gone tomorrow: The appearance and disappearance of context effects. Memory in Context: Context in Memory. :215-229.
1988. Creating new memories that are quickly accessed and confidently held. Memory & Cognition. 17(5):607–616.
1989. The verbal overshadowing effect: Why descriptions impair face recognition. Memory and Cognition. 25:129-139.
1997. The symbiosis of subjective and experimental approaches to intuition. Journal of Consciousness Studies. 6:280-287.
1999. Why creativity is not like the proverbial typing monkey. Psychological Inquiry. 10(4):351-356.
1999. Discovering Fact and Fiction: Case-Based Analyses of Authentic and Fabricated Discovered Memories of Abuse. Recovered Memories: Seeking the Middle Ground. :95–151.
2001. Discovering Fact and Fiction: Case-Based Analyses of Authentic and Fabricated Discovered Memories of Abuse. Recovered Memories: Seeking the Middle Ground. :95–151.
2001. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot blinded, randomized study of stimulation type. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 75(5):290–297.
2006. Discovery Misattribution: When Solving Is Confused with Remembering.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 136(4):577–592.
2007. Explicit and implicit strategies in decision making.. Better Than Conscious? Decision Making, the Human Mind, and Implications for Institutions. :225-258.
2008. Navon processing and verbalisation: A holistic/featural distinction. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 20(3):587-611.
2008. Slow fluctuations in attentional control of sensory cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23(2):460–470.
2010. Creativity and Bipolar Disorder: Touched by Fire or Burning with Questions? Clinical Psychology Review. 32(1):1-12.
2012. Gaining perspective on death: Training program and language use outcomes assessment.. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. 1(3):169.
2014. Mindful meta-awareness: sustained and non-propositional. Current Opinion in Psychology. 28:307-311.
2019. Mindfulness-Based Attention Training: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a Digital Course for High School Students. Education Sciences. 9(3):230-241.
2019. .
2020. .
Attention training improves the focus and emotional regulation of adolescents: A cluster-randomized trial across high schools. Technology, Mind, and Behavior. 3(4)
2022. LSD and creativity: Increased novelty and symbolic thinking, decreased utility and convergent thinking. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
2022. Editorial: Electromagnetic field theories of consciousness: opportunities and obstacles. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
2023. Digital attention training: Improving the mental health and well-Being of adolescent. Scientific Research Publishing.
2024. Editorial: Electromagnetic field theories of consciousness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
2024. Evidence-based scientific thinking and decision-making in everyday life. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
2024. .