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Schooler J.W., Reichle E.D., Halpern D.V..  2004.  Zoning out while reading: Evidence for dissociations between experience and metaconsciousness.. Thinking and Seeing: Visual Metacognition in Adults and Children.. :203-226.
Schooler J.W..  2010.  What Science Tells Us About Free Will. Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work?. :191-218.
Dodson C.S., Johnson M.K., Schooler J.W..  1997.  The verbal overshadowing effect: Why descriptions impair face recognition. Memory and Cognition. 25:129-139.
Schooler J.W., Mrazek M.D., Baird B., Winkielman P..  2014.  The value of distinguishing between unconscious, conscious, and meta-conscious processes.. APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition. 1:179-202.
Zedelius C.M., Schooler J.W..  2018.  Unraveling what's on our minds: How different types of mind-wandering affect cognition and behavior. The Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought: Mind-Wandering, Creativity, and Dreaming. :233-247.
Schooler J.W., Schreiber C.A..  2005.  To Know or Not to Know: Consciousness, Meta-Consciousness, and Motivation. Social Motivation: Conscious and Unconscious Processes. :351–372.
Schooler J.W., Mauss I.B..  2010.  To be happy and to know it: The experience and meta- awareness of pleasure. Pleasures of the Brain. :244-254.
Schooler J.W., Herramn D.J..  1992.  There is more to episodic memory than just episodes. Theoretical perspectives on autobiographical memory.
Schooler J.W., Bendikson M., Ambadadar Z..  1997.  Taking the middle line: Can we accommodate both fabricated and recovered memories of sexual abuse? Recovered Memories and False Memories. :251-292.
Hermann D, Gruneberg M.M, Fiore S., Schooler J.W..  2006.  Self reports about the causes of everyday memory failures. Memory and Society: Psychological Perspectives..
Cohen J.C., Schooler J.W..  1997.  Science and Sentience: Some questions regarding the scientific investigation of consciousness. Scientific Approaches to Conciousness. :3-10.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  1997.  Right hemisphere contributions to creative problem solving: Converging evidence for divergent thinking. Right Hemisphere Language Comprehension. :349-372.
Sivers H., Freyd J, Schooler J.W..  2002.  Recovered Memories. The Encyclopedia of the Human Brain N.Y. :169-184.
Schooler J.W., Hunt T., Schooler J.T..  2011.  Reconsidering the Metaphysics of Science from the Inside Out. Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality. 1:157-174.
Schooler J.W., Ariely D., Loewenstein G..  2003.  The pursuit and assessment of happiness can be self-defeating. The Psychology of Economic Decisions. :41-70.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  2004.  Process mapping and shared cognition: Teamwork and the development of shared problem models. Team Cognition: Understanding the Factors that Drive Process and Performance. :133-152.
Schooler J.W., Loftus E.F..  1993.  Multiple mechanisms mediate individual differences in eyewitness accuracy and suggestibility. Mechanisms of Practical Cognition. :177-203.
Schooler J.W., Smallwood J..  2009.  Mind-Wandering. Oxford Handbook of Consciousness. :438-442.
Mrazek M.D., Zedelius C.M., Gross M.E., Mrazek A.J., Phillips D.T, Schooler J.W..  2017.  Mindfulness in education: Enhancing academic achievement and student well-being by reducing mind-wandering. Mindfulness in Social Psychology. 1:139-152.
Zedelius C.M., Gross M.E., Schooler J.W..  2018.  Mind Wandering: More Than a Bad Habit. The psychology of habit: Theory, mechanisms, change, and contexts. :363-378.
