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Protzko J., Zedelius C.M., Schooler J.W..  2019.  Rushing to Appear Virtuous: Time Pressure Increases Socially Desirable Responding. Psychological Science. 30(11):1584-1591.
Mrazek MD, Smallwood J, Franklin MS, Chin JM, Baird B, Schooler J.W.  2012.  The role of mind-wandering in measurements of general aptitude.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 14(4):788.
Fiore S.M., Schooler J.W..  1997.  Right hemisphere contributions to creative problem solving: Converging evidence for divergent thinking. Right Hemisphere Language Comprehension. :349-372.
Zedelius CM, Schooler JW.  2016.  The Richness of Inner Experience: Relating Styles of Daydreaming to Creative Processes.. Frontiers in Psychology. 6
Casner S.M, Geven R.W, P. RM, Schooler J.W.  2014.  The retention of manual flying skills in the automated cockpit. Human Factors. 56(8):1506-1516.
Smallwood J., Schooler J.W..  2006.  The restless mind. Psychological Bulletin. 132(6):946-958.
Schooler JW.  2002.  Re-representing consciousness: dissociations between experience and meta-consciousness.. Trends Cogn Sci. 6(8):339-344.
Besika A., Schooler J.W, Verplanken B., Mrazek A.J, Ihm E.D.  2022.  A relationship that makes life worth-living: levels of value orientation explain differences in meaning and life satisfaction.. Heliyon.
Baird B, Cieslak M, Smallwood J, Grafton ST, Schooler JW.  2015.  Regional White Matter Variation Associated with Domain-specific Metacognitive Accuracy. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 27(3):440-452.
Schooler J.W..  1997.  Reflections on a memory discovery. Child Maltreatment. 2(2):126-133.
Turnbul A., Karapanagiotidis T., Wang H-T, Bernhardt B.C., Leech R., Margulies DS, Schooler JW, Jefferies E., Smallwood J.  2020.  Reductions in task positive neural systems occur with the passage of time and are associated with changes in ongoing thought. Scientific Reports.
Landry A.P., Schooler J.W., Willer R., Seli P..  2022.  Reducing Explicit Blatant Dehumanization by Correcting Exaggerated Meta-Perceptions. Social Psychological and Personality.
Sivers H., Freyd J, Schooler J.W..  2002.  Recovered Memories. The Encyclopedia of the Human Brain N.Y. :169-184.
Schooler J.W., Hunt T., Schooler J.T..  2011.  Reconsidering the Metaphysics of Science from the Inside Out. Neuroscience, Consciousness and Spirituality. 1:157-174.
Loftus E.F., Schooler J.W..  1984.  Recoding processes in memory: commentary on tulving’s elements of episodic memory.. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 7:246-247.
Bryce C.L., Loewenstein G., Arnold R.M., Schooler J.W., Wax R.S., Angus D.C..  2004.  Quality of death: Assessing the importance placed on end-of-life treatment in the intensive care unit. Medical Care. 42(5):423-431.
Schooler J.W, Gerhard D, Loftus EF.  1986.  Qualities of the unreal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 12(2):171–181.
