Reprint Requests
Cortical and basal ganglia contributions to habit learning and automaticity.
Trends in Cognitive Science. 14(5), 208-215.
(2010). Expanding the role of striatal cholinergic interneurons and the midbrain dopamine system in appetitive instrumental conditioning.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 115(1), 240-54.
(2016). Learning robust cortico-cortical associations with the basal ganglia: an integrative review.
Cortex. 64, 123-35.
(2015). The neurobiology of category learning.
Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews. 3(2), 101-113.
(2004). A neurocomputational model of automatic sequence production.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27(7), 1412-1426.
(2015). Perceptual category learning and visual processing: An exercise in computational cognitive neuroscience.
Neural Networks. 89, 31-38.
(2017). Response processes in information-integration category learning.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 90(2), 330-338.