Perceptual category learning and visual processing: An exercise in computational cognitive neuroscience

TitlePerceptual category learning and visual processing: An exercise in computational cognitive neuroscience
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsCantwell, G., Riesenhuber M., Roeder J. L., & Ashby F. G.
JournalNeural Networks
Date Published2017 May
KeywordsBasal Ganglia, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computer Simulation, Humans, Learning, Photic Stimulation, Random Allocation, Visual Cortex, Visual Perception

The field of computational cognitive neuroscience (CCN) builds and tests neurobiologically detailed computational models that account for both behavioral and neuroscience data. This article leverages a key advantage of CCN-namely, that it should be possible to interface different CCN models in a plug-and-play fashion-to produce a new and biologically detailed model of perceptual category learning. The new model was created from two existing CCN models: the HMAX model of visual object processing and the COVIS model of category learning. Using bitmap images as inputs and by adjusting only a couple of learning-rate parameters, the new HMAX/COVIS model provides impressively good fits to human category-learning data from two qualitatively different experiments that used different types of category structures and different types of visual stimuli. Overall, the model provides a comprehensive neural and behavioral account of basal ganglia-mediated learning.

Alternate JournalNeural Netw
PubMed ID28324757
PubMed Central IDPMC5393456
Grant ListR01 MH063760 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
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