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Book Chapter
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1991).  A response time theory of perceptual independence. Mathematical Psychology. 389–413.
Journal Article
W Maddox, T., Glass B. D., O'Brien J. B., J Filoteo V., & F Ashby G. (2010).  Category label and response location shifts in category learning. Psychological Research. 74(2), 219-236.
W Maddox, T., & F Ashby G. (1993).  Comparing decision bound and exemplar models of categorization. Perception & psychophysics. 53, 49–70.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1992).  Complex decision rules in categorization: Contrasting novice and experienced performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 18, 50.
Valentin, V. V., W Maddox T., & F Ashby G. (2014).  A computational model of the temporal dynamics of plasticity in procedural learning: Sensitivity to feedback timing. Frontiers in Psychology. 5, 643.
Crossley, M. J., F Ashby G., & W Maddox T. (2014).  Context-dependent savings in procedural category learning. Brain and Cognition. 92C, 1-10.
F Ashby, G., W Maddox T., & W Lee W. (1994).  On the dangers of averaging across subjects when using multidimensional scaling or the similarity-choice model. Psychological Science. 5, 144–151.
W Maddox, T., F Ashby G., & Bohil C. J. (2003).  Delayed feedback effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 29(4), 650-662.
W Maddox, T., F Ashby G., A Ing D., & Pickering A. D. (2004).  Disrupting feedback processing interferes with rule-based but not information-integration category learning. Memory & Cognition. 32(4), 582-591.
W Maddox, T., & F Ashby G. (2004).  Dissociating explicit and procedural-learning based systems of perceptual category learning. Behavioral Processes. 66(3), 309-332.
Crossley, M. J., F Ashby G., & W Maddox T. (2013).  Erasing the engram: The unlearning of procedural skills. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 142(3), 710-741.
F Ashby, G., Prinzmetal W., Ivry R., & W Maddox T. (1996).  A formal theory of feature binding in object perception. Psychological Review. 103, 165-192.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (2005).  Human category learning. Annual Review of Psychology. 56, 149-178.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (2011).  Human category learning 2.0. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1224, 147-161.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1990).  Integrating information from separable psychological dimensions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 16, 598.
W Maddox, T., F Ashby G., & Waldron E. M. (2002).  Multiple attention systems in perceptual categorization. Memory & Cognition. 30, 325–339.
F Ashby, G., W Maddox T., & Bohil C. J. (2002).  Observational versus feedback training in rule-based and information-integration category learning. Memory & Cognition. 30, 666–677.
W Maddox, T., & F Ashby G. (1996).  Perceptual separability, decisional separability, and the identification–speeded classification relationship. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance. 22, 795.
W Maddox, T., Prinzmetal W., Ivry R. B., & F Ashby G. (1994).  A probabilistic multidimensional model of location information. Psychological Research. 56, 66–77.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1993).  Relations between prototype, exemplar, and decision bound models of categorization. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 37, 372–400.
W Maddox, T., F Ashby G., & Gottlob L. R. (1998).  Response time distributions in multidimensional perceptual categorization. Perception & Psychophysics. 60, 620–637.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1994).  A response time theory of separability and integrality in speeded classification. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 38, 423–466.
W Maddox, T., & F Ashby G. (1998).  Selective attention and the formation of linear decision boundaries: Comment on McKinley and Nosofsky (1996). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance. 24, 301-321.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1998).  Stimulus categorization. Measurement, judgment, and decision making. 251–301.