Reprint Requests
Cross-modal information integration in category learning.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 76(5), 1473-1484.
(2014). Deferred feedback sharply dissociates implicit and explicit category learning.
Psychological Science. 25(2), 447-457.
(2014). Implicit and explicit categorization: A tale of four species.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36(10), 2355-2369.
(2012). Implicit and explicit category learning by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).
Journal of Comparative Psychology. 126(3), 294-304.
(2012). Pigeons' categorization may be exclusively nonanalytic.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18(2), 414-421.
(2011). Implicit and explicit category learning by macaques (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 36(1), 54-65.
(2010). General recognition theory with individual differences: a new method for examining perceptual and decisional interactions with an application to face perception.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 22(1), 88-111.
(2015). Brain activity across the development of automatic categorization: a comparison of categorization tasks using multi-voxel pattern analysis.
NeuroImage. 71, 284-297.
(2013). Testing separability and independence of perceptual dimensions with general recognition theory: A tutorial and new R package (grtools).
Frontiers in Psychology. 8, 696.
(2017). Dissociable changes in functional network topology underlie early category learning and development of automaticity.
NeuroImage. 141, 220-241.
(2016). Categorization training increases the perceptual separability of novel dimensions.
Cognition. 139, 105-129.
(2015). Linking signal detection theory and encoding models to reveal independent neural representations from neuroimaging data.
PLOS Computational Biology. 14(10), e1006470.
(2018). Novel representations that support rule-based categorization are acquired on-the-fly during category learning.
Psychological Research. 83, 544-566.
(2019). Encoding models in neuroimaging.
In F. G. Ashby, H. Colonius, & E. Dzhafarov (Eds.), The new handbook of mathematical psychology, Volume 3 (pp. 421-472). Cambridge University Press.
(2023). Initial training with difficult items facilitates information integration, but not rule-based category learning.
Psychological Science. 19(11), 1169-1177.
(2008). Response processes in information-integration category learning.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 90(2), 330-338.
Methods of modeling capacity in simple processing systems.
Cognitive theory. 3, 200–239.
(1978). A test of visual feature sampling independence with orthogonal straight lines.
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 15, 163–166.
(1980). Perceptual sampling of orthogonal straight line features.
Psychological Research. 43, 259–275.
(1981). Experimental test of contemporary mathematical models of visual letter recognition..
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 8, 834.
(1982). Measurement scales and statistics: The misconception misconceived..
Psychological Bulletin. 96, 394 401.
(1984). Spatiotemporal activity estimation for multivoxel pattern analysis with rapid event-related designs.
NeuroImage. 62(3), 1429-1438.
(2012). Hierarchical control of procedural and declarative category-learning systems.
NeuroImage. 150, 150-161.
(2017). A computational model of the temporal dynamics of plasticity in procedural learning: Sensitivity to feedback timing.
Frontiers in Psychology. 5, 643.