Hierarchical control of procedural and declarative category-learning systems

TitleHierarchical control of procedural and declarative category-learning systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTurner, B. O., Crossley M. J., & Ashby F. G.
Date Published2017 Apr 15

Substantial evidence suggests that human category learning is governed by the interaction of multiple qualitatively distinct neural systems. In this view, procedural memory is used to learn stimulus-response associations, and declarative memory is used to apply explicit rules and test hypotheses about category membership. However, much less is known about the interaction between these systems: how is control passed between systems as they interact to influence motor resources? Here, we used fMRI to elucidate the neural correlates of switching between procedural and declarative categorization systems. We identified a key region of the cerebellum (left Crus I) whose activity was bidirectionally modulated depending on switch direction. We also identified regions of the default mode network (DMN) that were selectively connected to left Crus I during switching. We propose that the cerebellum-in coordination with the DMN-serves a critical role in passing control between procedural and declarative memory systems.

Alternate JournalNeuroimage
PubMed ID28213114
PubMed Central IDPMC5446851
Grant ListR01 MH063760 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
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