Mind Meld 136 – The Answer You Seek Will Bring More Questions with Dr. Jonathan Schooler
Musings in this mind meld
How Dr. Schooler found himself researching consciousness and the mind
The phenomenon of false memory
The hard problem of consciousness
What consciousness is, isn’t and might be
Dr. Schooler’s “resonance” hypothesis and the importance of “frequency”
Is consciousness intrinsic to the universe or just anchored to matter?
Possible techniques to improve your ability to recall information more effectively
Meta-cognition, meta-awareness and how they make us human
Do animals have meta-cognition/self-awareness?
Why it’s important to “tether” the mind
The limitations of language
How we learn, ah-ha moments and the importance of “incubation”
Why we can’t capture or accurately report ineffable experiences
Is reality an illusion constructed by our senses?
Is it possible that precognition is real? Does science have anything to say about it?