
Found 278 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Gross M.E., Zedelius C.M., Schooler J.W..  2020.  Cultivating an understanding of curiosity as a seed for creativity. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
Laukkonen R.E, Kaveladze B.T, Tangen J.M, Schooler J.W.  2020.  The dark side of Eureka: Artificially induced Aha moments make facts feel true.. Cognition. 196:104122.
Ambadar Z., Schooler J.W., Cohn J.F..  2005.  Deciphering the Enigmatic Face: The Importance of Facial Dynamics in Interpreting Subtle Facial Expressions. Psychological Science. 16(5):403-10.
Baird B, Smallwood J, Lutz A, Schooler JW.  2014.  The Decoupled Mind: Mind-wandering Disrupts Cortical Phase-locking to Perceptual Events. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26(11):2596-2607.
Smallwood J, Gorgolewski KJ, Golchert J, Ruby FJM, Engen HG, Baird B, Vinski M, Schooler J, Margulies DS.  2013.  The default modes of reading: Modulation of posterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex connectivity associated with subjective and objective differences in reading experience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:734.
Mitchell JP, C Macrae N, Schooler JW, Rowe AC, Milne AB.  2002.  Directed remembering: subliminal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies.. Memory. 10(5-6):381-8.
Schooler J.W..  2001.  Discovering memories in the light of meta-awareness.. The Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.. 4(2):105-136.
Dougal S, Schooler J.W.  2007.  Discovery Misattribution: When Solving Is Confused with Remembering.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 136(4):577–592.
Franklin MS, Mrazek MD, Broadway JM, Schooler J.W.  2013.  Disentangling Decoupling: Comment on Smallwood. Psychological Bulletin. 139:536-541.
Schooler J.W..  1998.  The distinctions of false and fuzzy memories. The Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 71(2):130-143.
Gil-Jardiné C, Née M, Lagarde E, Schooler J, Contrand B, Orriols L, Galera C.  2017.  The distracted mind on the wheel: Overall propensity to mind wandering is associated with road crash responsibility.. PLoS One. 12(8)
Protzko J., Tobia K., Strohminger N., Schooler J.W..  2023.  Do Obligations Follow the Mind or Body? Cognitive Science.
Baird B, Mrazek MD, Phillips DT, Schooler JW.  2014.  Domain-specific enhancement of metacognitive ability following meditation training.. J Exp Psychol Gen. 143(5):1972-9.
Broadway JM, Franklin MS, Schooler JW.  2015.  Early event-related brain potentials and hemispheric asymmetries reveal mind-wandering while reading and predict comprehension. Biological psychology. 107:31–43.
Hunt T., Schooler J..  2019.  The easy part of the Hard Problem: A resonance theory of consciousness.. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 13
Turnbul A., Schooler J.W., Wang H., Jefferies E., Margulies D.S., Smallwood J.  2019.  The ebb and flow of attention: Between-subject variation in intrinsic connectivity and cognition associated with the dynamics of ongoing experience. NeuroImage. 185:286-299.
Hunt T., Jones M., McFadden J., Delorme A., Hales C., Ericson M., Schooler J.W.  2024.  Editorial: Electromagnetic field theories of consciousness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Hunt T., Jones M., McFadden J., Delorme A., Hale C., Ericson M., Schooler J.W..  2023.  Editorial: Electromagnetic field theories of consciousness: opportunities and obstacles. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Schooler J., Baumgart S., Franklin M.  2018.  Entertaining Without Endorsing: The Case for the Scientific Investigation of Anomalous Cognition. Psychology of Consciousness. 5(1):63-77.
Handy T.C., Smilek D., Liu C., Gieger L., Liu C., Schooler J.W..  2009.  ERP evidence for rapid hedonic evaluation of logos. The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 22(1):124-138.
Smallwood J, Tipper C, Brown K, Baird B, Engen H, Michaels JR, Grafton S, Schooler J.W.  2013.  Escaping the here and now: Evidence for a role of the default mode network in perceptually decoupled thought. NeuroImage. 69(1):120-125.
Landry A.P., Ihm E.D., Protzko J., Schooler J.W..  2021.  Essentially Subhuman: Psychological Essentialism Facilitates Dehumanization. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Schooler J.  2002.  Establishing a legitimate relationship with introspection. Response to Jack and Roepstorff.. Trends Cogn Sci. 6(9):371.
Laukkonen RE, Schooler JW, Tangen JM.  2018.  The Eureka Heuristic: Relying on insight to appraise the quality of ideas . PsyArxiv.
Mrazek AJ, Ihm ED, Molden D.C., Mrazek M.D., Zedelius C.M, Schooler J.W.  2018.  Expanding minds: Growth mindsets of self-regulation and the influences on effort and perseverance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 79:164-180.
