
Found 278 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Schooler J.W, Gerhard D, Loftus EF.  1986.  Qualities of the unreal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 12(2):171–181.
Mrazek MD, Mooneyham BW, Mrazek KLepore, Schooler JWolf.  2016.  Pushing the Limits: Cognitive, Affective, & Neural Plasticity Revealed by an Intensive Multifaceted Intervention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10
Smallwood J., Brown K.S, Tipper C, Giesbrecht B., Franklin M.S, Mrazek M., Carlson J.M, Schooler J.W..  2011.  Pupillometric Evidence for the Decoupling of Attention from Perceptual Input during Offline Thought. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 6(3):e18298.
Shelat S., Schooler J.W., Giesbrecht B..  2024.  Predicting attentional lapses using response time speed in continuous performance tasks. Frontiers in Cognition.
Cloughesy J.N., Mrazek A.J., Mrazek MD, Schooler JW.  2020.  Planning to Practice: Action and Coping Plans Increase Days of Meditation Practiced. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.
Meissner CA, Sporer SL, Schooler J.W.  2007.  Person descriptions as eyewitness evidence. Handbook of eyewitness Psychology: Memory for people. 2:3–34.
Melcher J, Schooler J.W..  2004.  Perceptual and conceptual expertise mediate the verbal overshadowing effect in a training paradigm.. Memory and Cognition. 32(4):618-631.
Gross M.E., Araujo D.B., Zedelius C.M., Schooler J.W..  2019.  Is perception the missing link between creativity, curiosity and schizotypy? Evidence from spontaneous eye-movements and responses to auditory oddball stimuli. NeuroImage. 202:116-125.
Sayette M.A., Schooler J.W., Reichle E.D..  2010.  Out for a smoke: The impact of cigarette craving on zoning out while reading. Psychological Science. 21(1):26-30.
Protzko J., Lundmark S., Walleczek J., Schooler J.W..  2022.   Nonlinear effect amplification: Differential susceptibility of verbal overshadowing as a function of time to interference. . Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition.
Protzko J., Schooler W..  2017.  No relationship between researcher successful productivity and replicability: an analysis of four studies with 79 replications. PsyArXiv.
Protzko J., Schooler J.W..  2020.  No relationship between researcher impact and replication effect: an analysis of five studies with 100 replications. PeerJ.
Veen V.V, Krug K.M., Schooler J.W., Carter C.S..  2009.  Neural activity predicts attitude change in cognitive dissonance. Nature Neuroscience. 12(11):1469-1474.
Weston WJ, Perfect TJ, Schooler JW, Dennis I.  2008.  Navon processing and verbalisation: A holistic/featural distinction. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 20(3):587-611.
Herz RS, Schooler JW.  2002.  A naturalistic study of autobiographical memories evoked by olfactory and visual cues: testing the Proustian hypothesis.. Am J Psychol. 115(1):21-32.
Schooler J.W..  1998.  A multiplicity of memory. Exploring. 22:4-6.
Zedelius CM, Broadway JM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Motivating meta-awareness of mind wandering: A way to catch the mind in flight? Consciousness and cognition. 36:44–53.
Protzko J., Schooler J.W..  2023.  Moral contamination: Perceptions of good (but not bad) deeds depend on the ethical history of the actor. Frontiers in Psychology. 13
Mooneyham B.W., Franklin M.S., Mrazek M.D., Schooler J.W..  2012.  Modernizing science: Comments on Nosek & Bar-Anan. Schooler, J.W.. 23(3):281-284.
Melcher JM, Schooler J.W.  1996.  The misremembrance of wines past: Verbal and perceptual expertise differentially mediate verbal overshadowing of taste memory.. The Journal of memory and language. 35(2):231-245.
Seli P, Kane MJ, Smallwood J, Schacter DL, Maillet D, Schooler JW, Smilek D.  2018.  Mind-Wandering as a Natural Kind: A Family-Resemblances View.. Trends Cogn Sci. 22(6):479-490.
Merrill B., Raiker J.S, Mattfeld A.T, Macphee F.T, Ramos M., Zhao X., Altszuler A.R, Schooler J.W, Coxe S., Gnagy E. et al..  2022.  Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
Mrazek A.J., Mrazek M.D., Reese J.V., Kirk A.C., Gougis L.J., Delegard A.M., Cynman D.J., Cherolini C.M., Carr P.C., Schooler J.W..  2019.  Mindfulness-Based Attention Training: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a Digital Course for High School Students. Education Sciences. 9(3):230-241.
Mrazek M.D., Franklin M.S., Philip D.T., Baird B., Schooler J.W..  2013.  Mindfulness Training Improves Working Memory Capacity and GRE Performance While Reducing Mind Wandering.. Psychological Science. 24(5):776-781.
Mrazek MD, Smallwood J, Schooler J.W.  2012.  Mindfulness and mind-wandering: Finding convergence through opposing constructs. Emotion. 12(6):442–448.
