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Inspired by Distraction Mind Wandering Facilitates Creative Incubation. Psychological science. 23(10):1117–1122.
2012. Insulation for daydreams: a role for tonic norepinephrine in the facilitation of internally guided thought. Plos One. 7(4)
2012. The role of mind-wandering in measurements of general aptitude.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 14(4):788.
2012. An Antidote for Wandering Minds. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness. :153.
2014. Future directions in precognition research: more research can bridge the gap between skeptics and proponents.. Front Psychol. 5:907.
2014. Thinking one thing, saying another: The behavioral correlates of mind-wandering while reading aloud. Psychonomic bulletin & review. 21:205–210.
2014. Tracking Distraction: The Relationship Between Mind-Wandering, Meta-Awareness, and ADHD Symptomatology. Journal of attention disorders. 21(6):475-486.
2014. Early event-related brain potentials and hemispheric asymmetries reveal mind-wandering while reading and predict comprehension. Biological psychology. 107:31–43.
2015. Unaware yet reliant on attention: Experience sampling reveals that mind-wandering impedes implicit learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(1):223-229.
2015. Prediction of truly random future events using analysis of prestimulus electroencephalographic data. AIP Conference Proceedings.