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2024. .
Where’s My Consciousness-Ometer? How to Test for the Presence and Complexity of Consciousness Perspectives on Psychological Science.
2022. What Science Tells Us About Free Will. Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work?. :191-218.
2010. Why do words hurt? content, process, and criterion shift accounts of verbal overshadowing European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 20
2009. When attention matters: the curious incident of the wandering mind. Memory and Cognition. 36(6):1144-1150.
2008. Why creativity is not like the proverbial typing monkey. Psychological Inquiry. 10(4):351-356.
1999. Whom do words hurt? Individual differences in susceptibility to verbal overshadowing Applied Cognitive Psychology. 12:105-125.
1998. When words hurt: The disruptive effects of verbally analyzing reasons. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology. 29
1991. Why do we forget? What can we do about it The 1991 World Book Year Book.