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Thinking one thing, saying another: The behavioral correlates of mind-wandering while reading aloud. Psychonomic bulletin & review. 21:205–210.
2014. Tracking Distraction: The Relationship Between Mind-Wandering, Meta-Awareness, and ADHD Symptomatology. Journal of attention disorders. 21(6):475-486.
2014. Turning the Lens of Science on Itself Verbal Overshadowing, Replication, and Metascience. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 9(5):579–584.
2014. When do words hurt? A multiprocess view of the effects of verbalization on visual memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 40(5):1244-1256.
2014. The costs and benefits of mind-wandering: a review.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. 67(1):11-18.
2013. Directed remembering: subliminal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies.. Memory. 10(5-6):381-8.
2002. .
2002. Some suggestions about suggestibility: Review of J. F. Schumaker (Ed.). Human suggestibility: Advances in theory, research, and application in Contemporary Psychology. 38:283-284.