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Awe as a Meaning-Making Emotion. The evolution of religion, religiosity and theology.
2020. Capturing the dynamics of creative daydreaming. Creativity and the Wandering Mind.
2020. Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Intrusive Thinking. Strüngmann Forum Reports.
2020. Planning to Practice: Action and Coping Plans Increase Days of Meditation Practiced. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.
2020. .
2020. Metascience: The Science of Doing Science. Observer.
2019. The Family- Resemblances Framework for Mind- Wandering Remains Well Clad. Trends in Cognitive Science.
2018. States of Mind: Characterizing the Neural Bases of Focus and Mind-wandering through Dynamic Functional Connectivity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
2017. .
2017. The Infancy of Meta-Science. Know This: Today's Most Interesting and Important Scientific Ideas, Discoveries, and Developments.
2016. Signal or noise: brain network interactions underlying the experience and training of mindfulness. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1369(1):256.
2016. The Middle Way: Finding the Balance between Mindfulness and Mind-Wandering. Psychology of Learning and Motivation. 60:1-33.
2014. Thoughts in Flight: Automation Use and Pilots’ Task-Related and Task-Unrelated Thought. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 56(3):433-442.
2014. Window to the Wandering Mind: Pupillometry of Spontaneous Thought While Reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66(12):2289-2294.
2013. Young & restless: Validation of the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ) reveals disruptive impact of mind-wandering for youth. Frontiers in Psychology. 4:560.
2013. Back to the future: Autobiographical planning and the functionality of mind-wandering. Consciousness and Cognition. 20(4):1604-1611.
2011. .
2011. Medicine for the wandering mind: Mind wandering in medical practice. Medical Education. 45(11):1072-1080.
2011. Re-representing consciousness: dissociations between experience and meta-consciousness.. Trends Cogn Sci. 6(8):339-344.