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Digital attention training: Improving the mental health and well-Being of adolescent. Scientific Research Publishing.
2024. Hierarchical consciousness: the Nested Observer Windows model. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 1
2024. .
2024. Back to the basics: Abstract painting as an index of creativity. Creativity Research Journal.
2023. Creativity & the Mindful Wanderings of Dr. Jonathan Schooler. Column: Rethinking Creativity and Technology in Education.
2022. From Micro to Macro: The Combination of Consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology.
2022. LSD and creativity: Increased novelty and symbolic thinking, decreased utility and convergent thinking. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
2022. LSD and creativity: Increased novelty and symbolic thinking, decreased utility and convergent thinking. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
2022. Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
2022. Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
2022. Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Intrusive Thinking. Intrusive Thinking: From Molecules to Free Will.
2021. Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Intrusive Thinking. Strüngmann Forum Reports.
2020. Mindfulness-Based Attention Training: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a Digital Course for High School Students. Education Sciences. 9(3):230-241.
2019. The Future of Mindfulness Training is Digital, and the Future is Now. Current Opinion in Psychology. 28:81-86.
2018. Intentionality and meta-awareness of mind wandering: Are they one and the same, or distinct dimensions? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 24(6):1808-1818.
2017. Intentionality and meta-awareness of mind wandering: Are they one and the same, or distinct dimensions? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 24(6):1808-1818.
2017. The Middle Way: Finding the Balance between Mindfulness and Mind-Wandering. Psychology of Learning and Motivation. 60:1-33.
2014. .
Meta-awareness, perceptual decoupling and the wandering mind. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15(7):319-326.
2011. Eye movements during mindless reading.. Psychological Science. 21(9):1300-1310.
2010. Eye movements during mindless reading.. Psychological Science. 21(9):1300-1310.
2010. Out for a smoke: The impact of cigarette craving on zoning out while reading. Psychological Science. 21(1):26-30.
2010. Lost in the Sauce The effects of alcohol on mind wandering. Psychological Science. 20(6):747–752.
2009. Memory In and About Affect. Cognitive Psychology. Learning and memory:239-260.
2009. Coping with stereotype threat: Denial as an impression management strategy. Journal of personality and social psychology. 89(1):22–35.