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Essentially Subhuman: Psychological Essentialism Facilitates Dehumanization. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
2021. Filthy Animals: Integrating the Behavioral Immune System and Disgust into a Model of Prophylactic Dehumanization. Evolutionary Psychological Science.
2021. Getting a grip on insight: real-time and embodied Aha experiences predict correct solutions. Cognition and Emotion.
2021. Metadehumanization erodes democratic norms during the 2020 presidential election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
2021. Awe as a Meaning-Making Emotion. The evolution of religion, religiosity and theology.
2020. Hated but still human: Metadehumanization leads to greater hostility than metaprejudice. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
2020. Expanding minds: Growth mindsets of self-regulation and the influences on effort and perseverance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 79:164-180.
2018. An integrated assessment of changes in brain structure and function of the insula resulting from an intensive mindfulness-based intervention. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. 1(3):327-336.