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Opening the black box: Think Aloud as a method to study the spontaneous stream of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition.
2025. Opening the black box: Think Aloud as a method to study the spontaneous stream of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition.
2025. Jumping about: the role of mind-wandering and attentional flexibility in facilitating creative problem-solving. The Emergence of Insight.
2024. Mind Wondering: Curious Daydreaming and Other Potentially Inspiring Forms of Mind-Wandering. The Emergence of Insight.
2024. Predicting attentional lapses using response time speed in continuous performance tasks. Frontiers in Cognition.
2024. Standing out: An atypical salience account of creativity. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. .
2024. Can Viewing Films Promote Creative Thinking Styles? Examining The Complex Roles of Personality and Meaning-Making Creativity Research Journal.
2022. Creativity & the Mindful Wanderings of Dr. Jonathan Schooler. Column: Rethinking Creativity and Technology in Education.
2022. Inquisitive but not discerning: Deprivation curiosity is associated with excessive openness to inaccurate information. Journal of Research in Personality.
2022. LSD and creativity: Increased novelty and symbolic thinking, decreased utility and convergent thinking. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
2022. Manipulating Belief in Free Will and Its Downstream Consequences: A Meta-Analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Review.
2022. Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
2022. Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
2022. Getting a grip on insight: real-time and embodied Aha experiences predict correct solutions. Cognition and Emotion.
2021. Comparing the phenomenological qualities of stimulus-independent thought, stimulusdependent thought, and dreams using experience sampling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
2020. Comparing the phenomenological qualities of stimulus-independent thought, stimulusdependent thought, and dreams using experience sampling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
2020. Cultivating an understanding of curiosity as a seed for creativity. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Mindfulness-Based Attention Training: Feasibility and Preliminary Outcomes of a Digital Course for High School Students. Education Sciences. 9(3):230-241.
2019. Is perception the missing link between creativity, curiosity and schizotypy? Evidence from spontaneous eye-movements and responses to auditory oddball stimuli. NeuroImage. 202:116-125.
2019. When the Muses Strike: Creative Ideas of Physicists and Writers Routinely Occur During Mind Wandering. Psychological Science. 30(3):396-404.