
Found 279 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Merrill B., Raiker J.S, Mattfeld A.T, Macphee F.T, Ramos M., Zhao X., Altszuler A.R, Schooler J.W, Coxe S., Gnagy E. et al..  2022.  Mind-Wandering and Childhood ADHD: Experimental Manipulations across Laboratory and Naturalistic Settings. . Research on Child & Adolescent Psychology.
Protzko J., Lundmark S., Walleczek J., Schooler J.W..  2022.   Nonlinear effect amplification: Differential susceptibility of verbal overshadowing as a function of time to interference. . Journal of Applied Research in Memory & Cognition.
Landry A.P., Schooler J.W., Willer R., Seli P..  2022.  Reducing Explicit Blatant Dehumanization by Correcting Exaggerated Meta-Perceptions. Social Psychological and Personality.
Besika A., Schooler J.W, Verplanken B., Mrazek A.J, Ihm E.D.  2022.  A relationship that makes life worth-living: levels of value orientation explain differences in meaning and life satisfaction.. Heliyon.
Young A., Hunt T., Ericson M..  2022.  The Slowest Shared Resonance: A Review of Electromagnetic Field Oscillations Between Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Protzko J., Schooler J.W..  2022.  What I didn’t grow up with is dangerous: How personal experience impacts perceptions of what corrupts today’s youth.. PsyArxiv.
Hunt T., Ericson M., Schooler J.W..  2022.  Where’s My Consciousness-Ometer? How to Test for the Presence and Complexity of Consciousness Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Protzko J., Schooler J.W.  2022.  Who Denigrates Today’s Youth?: The Role of Age, Implicit Theories, and Sharing the Same Negative Trait Frontiers in Psychology.
Landry A.P., Ihm E.D., Protzko J., Schooler J.W..  2021.  Essentially Subhuman: Psychological Essentialism Facilitates Dehumanization. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Landry A.P., Ihm E.D., Schooler J.W..  2021.  Filthy Animals: Integrating the Behavioral Immune System and Disgust into a Model of Prophylactic Dehumanization. Evolutionary Psychological Science.
Laukkonen R.E, Ingledew D.J, Grimmer H.J, Schooler J.W, Tangen J.M.  2021.  Getting a grip on insight: real-time and embodied Aha experiences predict correct solutions. Cognition and Emotion.
Landry A.P., Ihm E.D., Kwit S., Schooler J.W.  2021.  Metadehumanization erodes democratic norms during the 2020 presidential election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
Visser R.M., Anderson M.C., Aron A., Banich M.T., Brady K.T., Q. J.M.Huys, Monfils M., Schiller D., Schlagenhauf F., Schooler J.W. et al..  2021.  Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Intrusive Thinking. Intrusive Thinking: From Molecules to Free Will.
Mrazek A.J., Mrazek M.D., Morseth B., Mrazek K.L., Mooneyham B.W., Cole S., Schooler J.W..  2021.  Slaying the Hydra: Integrative Wellness Training Affects Ten Complementary Measures of Stress. Psychoneuroimmunology Journal.
Mrazek A.J., Mrazek M.D., Ortega J.R., Ji R.R., Karimi S.S., Brown C.S., Alexander C.A., Khan M., Panahi R., Sadoff M. et al..  2021.  Teenagers’ Smartphone Use during Homework: An Analysis of Beliefs and Behaviors around Digital Multitasking. Education Sciences.
Zedelius C.M., Protzko J., Broadway J.M., Schooler J.W..  2021.  What types of daydreaming predict creativity? Laboratory and experience sampling evidence. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Ihm ED, Paloutzian R.F., van Elk M., Schooler JW.  2020.  Awe as a Meaning-Making Emotion. The evolution of religion, religiosity and theology.
Zedelius C.M., Schooler JW.  2020.  Capturing the dynamics of creative daydreaming. Creativity and the Wandering Mind.
Gross M.E., Smith A.P., Graveline Y.M., Beaty R.M., Schooler J.W., Seli P..  2020.  Comparing the phenomenological qualities of stimulus-independent thought, stimulusdependent thought, and dreams using experience sampling. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
Gross M.E., Zedelius C.M., Schooler J.W..  2020.  Cultivating an understanding of curiosity as a seed for creativity. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
Laukkonen R.E, Kaveladze B.T, Tangen J.M, Schooler J.W.  2020.  The dark side of Eureka: Artificially induced Aha moments make facts feel true.. Cognition. 196:104122.
Mrazek A.J., Mrazek M.D., Calcagnotto L.A., Cloughesy J.N., Holman A.M., Masters-Waage T.C., Schooler J.W..  2020.  Familiarity, Attitudes, and Self-Regulatory Challenges Related to Mindfulness. Mindfulness.
Mrazek A.J., Mrazek M.D., Carr P.C., Delegard A.M., Ding M.G., Garcia D.I., Greenstein J.E., Kirk A.C., Kodama E.E., Krauss M.J. et al..  2020.  The Feasibility of Attention Training for Reducing Mind-wandering and Digital Multitasking in High Schools. Education Sciences.
Landry A.P., Ihm E.D., Schooler J.W..  2020.  Hated but still human: Metadehumanization leads to greater hostility than metaprejudice. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Zedelius C.M, Protzko J., Schooler J.W.  2020.  Lay Theories of the Wandering Mind: Control-Related Beliefs Predict Mind Wandering Rates in- and outside the Lab. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
