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Brown C, Brandimonte MA, Wickham LHV, Bosco A, Schooler JW.  2014.  When do words hurt? A multiprocess view of the effects of verbalization on visual memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 40(5):1244-1256.
Franklin MS, Broadway JM, Mrazek MD, Smallwood J, Schooler JW.  2013.  Window to the Wandering Mind: Pupillometry of Spontaneous Thought While Reading. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66(12):2289-2294.
Schooler J.W..  2010.  What Science Tells Us About Free Will. Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work?. :191-218.
Schooler J.W., Douglas S..  1999.  Why creativity is not like the proverbial typing monkey. Psychological Inquiry. 10(4):351-356.
Schooler J.W., Wilson T.W..  1991.  When words hurt: The disruptive effects of verbally analyzing reasons. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology. 29
Schooler J.W..  1991.  Why do we forget? What can we do about it The 1991 World Book Year Book.
Loftus E.F, Banaji M., Schooler J.W, Foster R.A.  1987.  Who remembers what: Gender differences in memory. Michigan Quarterly Review. 26:64-85.