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Franklin MS, Mrazek MD, Anderson CL, Johnston C, Smallwood J, Kingstone A, Schooler JW.  2014.  Tracking Distraction: The Relationship Between Mind-Wandering, Meta-Awareness, and ADHD Symptomatology. Journal of attention disorders. 21(6):475-486.
Schooler JW.  2014.  Turning the Lens of Science on Itself Verbal Overshadowing, Replication, and Metascience. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 9(5):579–584.
Schooler J.W., Mrazek M.D., Baird B., Winkielman P..  2014.  The value of distinguishing between unconscious, conscious, and meta-conscious processes.. APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition. 1:179-202.
Schooler J.W., Mrazek M.D., Baird B., Winkielman P..  2014.  The value of distinguishing between unconscious, conscious, and meta-conscious processes.. APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition. 1:179-202.
Brown C, Brandimonte MA, Wickham LHV, Bosco A, Schooler JW.  2014.  When do words hurt? A multiprocess view of the effects of verbalization on visual memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 40(5):1244-1256.
Broadway JM, Franklin MS, Schooler JW.  2015.  Early event-related brain potentials and hemispheric asymmetries reveal mind-wandering while reading and predict comprehension. Biological psychology. 107:31–43.
Broadway JM, Zedelius CM, Schooler JW, Grondin S.  2015.  The Long and Short of Mental Time Travel: An Overview. Frontiers in Psychology. 6:668.
Zedelius CM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Mind wandering “Ahas” versus mindful reasoning: alternative routes to creative solutions. Frontiers in psychology. 6:834.
Lerner N, Baldwin C, J Higgins S, Lee J, Schooler J.  2015.  Mind Wandering While Driving What Does it Mean and What do we do about it? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
Schooler JW, Mrazek MD, Baird B, Winkielman P.  2015.  Minding the mind: the value of distinguishing among unconscious, conscious, and metaconscious processes. APA handbooks in psychology. APA handbook of personality and social psychology. 1:179–202.
Zedelius CM, Broadway JM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Motivating meta-awareness of mind wandering: A way to catch the mind in flight? Consciousness and cognition. 36:44–53.
Baird B, Cieslak M, Smallwood J, Grafton ST, Schooler JW.  2015.  Regional White Matter Variation Associated with Domain-specific Metacognitive Accuracy. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 27(3):440-452.
Baird B, Cieslak M, Smallwood J, Grafton ST, Schooler JW.  2015.  Regional White Matter Variation Associated with Domain-specific Metacognitive Accuracy. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 27(3):440-452.
Smallwood J, Schooler JW.  2015.  The science of mind wandering: empirically navigating the stream of consciousness. Annual review of psychology. 66(1):487–518.
Smallwood J, Schooler JW.  2015.  The science of mind wandering: empirically navigating the stream of consciousness. Annual review of psychology. 66(1):487–518.
Broadway JM, Zedelius CM, Mooneyham BW, Mrazek MD, Schooler JW.  2015.  Stimulating minds to wander. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(11):3182–3183.
Franklin MS, Smallwood J, Zedelius CM, Broadway JM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Unaware yet reliant on attention: Experience sampling reveals that mind-wandering impedes implicit learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(1):223-229.
Franklin MS, Smallwood J, Zedelius CM, Broadway JM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Unaware yet reliant on attention: Experience sampling reveals that mind-wandering impedes implicit learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 23(1):223-229.
Casner SM, Schooler JW.  2015.  Vigilance impossible: diligence, distraction, and daydreaming all lead to failures in a practical monitoring task. Consciousness and cognition. 35:33–41.
