Reprint Requests
Computational cognitive neuroscience.
In W. Batchelder, H. Colonius, E. Dzhafarov, & J. Myung (Eds.), New handbook of mathematical psychology, Volume 2. NY: Cambridge University Press. 223-270.
(2018). Increased cognitive load enables unlearning in procedural category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition. 44, 1845-1853.
(2018). Linking signal detection theory and encoding models to reveal independent neural representations from neuroimaging data.
PLOS Computational Biology. 14(10), e1006470.
(2018). Trial-by-trial switching between procedural and declarative categorization systems.
Psychological Research. 82, 371-384.
(2018). A difficulty predictor for perceptual category learning.
Journal of Vision. 19(6), 20.
(2019). Novel representations that support rule-based categorization are acquired on-the-fly during category learning.
Psychological Research. 83, 544-566.
(2019). State-trace analysis misinterpreted and misapplied: Reply to Stephens, Matzke, and Hayes (2019).
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 91, 195-200.
(2019). Testing analogical rule transfer in pigeons (Columba livia).
Cognition. 183, 256-268.
(2019). On using the fixed-point property of binary mixtures to discriminate among models of recognition memory.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 123, 102889.