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A neurocomputational theory of how rule-guided behaviors become automatic.
Psychological Review. 128, 488-508.
(2021). Hierarchical control of procedural and declarative category-learning systems.
NeuroImage. 150, 150-161.
(2017). Trial-by-trial identification of categorization strategy using iterative decision-bound modeling.
Behavioral Research Methods. 49(3), 1146-1162.
(2017). Neural networks underlying the metacognitive uncertainty response.
Cortex. 71, 306-22.
(2015). Deconvolving BOLD activation in event-related designs for multivoxel pattern classification analyses.
NeuroImage. 59(3), 2636-2643.
(2012). Spatiotemporal activity estimation for multivoxel pattern analysis with rapid event-related designs.
NeuroImage. 62(3), 1429-1438.
(2012). COVIS.
In E. M. Pothos & A. J. Wills (Eds.), Formal approaches in categorization. 65-87.
(2011). Cortical and basal ganglia contributions to habit learning and automaticity.
Trends in Cognitive Science. 14(5), 208-215.
(2010). The effects of positive affect and arousal on working memory and executive attention.
In S. Moore & M. Oaksford (Eds.), Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Behaviour. 245–288.
(2002). Response time distributions in memory scanning.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 37, 526–555.
(1993). Varieties of perceptual independence.
Psychological Review. 93, 154-179.
(1986). Measurement scales and statistics: The misconception misconceived..
Psychological Bulletin. 96, 394 401.
(1984). Experimental test of contemporary mathematical models of visual letter recognition..
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 8, 834.
(1982). Perceptual sampling of orthogonal straight line features.
Psychological Research. 43, 259–275.
(1981). Decomposing the reaction time distribution: Pure insertion and selective influence revisited.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 21, 93–123.
(1980). A test of visual feature sampling independence with orthogonal straight lines.
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 15, 163–166.
(1980). Methods of modeling capacity in simple processing systems.
Cognitive theory. 3, 200–239.