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Is subitizing a unique numerical ability?.
Perception & Psychophysics. 50, 555–564.
(1991). Comparing the biased choice model and multidimensional decision bound models of identification.
Mathematical Social Sciences. 23, 175–197.
(1992). Subitizing: Magical numbers or mere superstition?.
Psychological Research. 54, 80–90.
(1992). Response time distributions in memory scanning.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 37, 526–555.
(1993). Categorization response time with multidimensional stimuli.
Perception & Psychophysics. 55, 11–27.
(1994). Categorization as a special case of decision-making or choice.
In A. A. J. Marley (Ed.), Choice, decision, and measurement: Essays in honor of R. Duncan Luce .
(1997). On the dominance of unidimensional rules in unsupervised categorization.
Perception & Psychophysics. 61, 1178–1199.
(1999). Suboptimality in human categorization and identification.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 130, 77.
(2001). Observational versus feedback training in rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Memory & Cognition. 30, 666–677.
(2002). What makes a categorization task difficult?.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 64, 570–583.
(2002). Delayed feedback effects on rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 29(4), 650-662.
(2003). Implicit and explicit category learning by macaques (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 36(1), 54-65.
(2010). Implicit and explicit category learning by macaques (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes. 36(1), 54-65.
(2010). Information-integration category learning and the human uncertainty response.
Memory & Cognition. 39(3), 536-554.
(2011). Pigeons' categorization may be exclusively nonanalytic.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 18(2), 414-421.
(2011). Implicit and explicit categorization: A tale of four species.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36(10), 2355-2369.
(2012). Implicit and explicit categorization: A tale of four species.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36(10), 2355-2369.
(2012). Implicit and explicit categorization: A tale of four species.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 36(10), 2355-2369.
(2012). Implicit and explicit category learning by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).
Journal of Comparative Psychology. 126(3), 294-304.
(2012). Implicit and explicit category learning by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella).
Journal of Comparative Psychology. 126(3), 294-304.
(2012). Cross-modal information integration in category learning.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 76(5), 1473-1484.
(2014). Deferred feedback sharply dissociates implicit and explicit category learning.
Psychological Science. 25(2), 447-457.
(2014). Simulating category learning and set shifting deficits in patients weight-restored from anorexia nervosa.
Neuropsychology. 28(5), 741-51.
(2014). Generalization of category knowledge and dimensional categorization in humans (Homo sapiens) and nonhuman primates (Macaca mulatta).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition. 41(4), 322-335.
(2015). Neural networks underlying the metacognitive uncertainty response.
Cortex. 71, 306-22.