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F Ashby, G., W Lee W., & Balakrishnan JD. (1992).  Comparing the biased choice model and multidimensional decision bound models of identification. Mathematical Social Sciences. 23, 175–197.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1992).  Complex decision rules in categorization: Contrasting novice and experienced performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 18, 50.
F Ashby, G. (1992).  Multidimensional models of categorization. In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 449-483.
F Ashby, G. (1992).  Multivariate probability distributions. In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 1-34.
F Ashby, G. (1992).  Pattern recognition by human and machine. Review of "Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks", by Yoh-Han Pao. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 36, 146-153.
F Ashby, G., & W Lee W. (1992).  On the relationship among identification, similarity, and categorization: Reply to Nosofsky and Smith (1992). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 121, 385-393.
Balakrishnanl, JD., & F Ashby G. (1992).  Subitizing: Magical numbers or mere superstition?. Psychological Research. 54, 80–90.
F Ashby, G., & W Lee W. (1991).  Predicting similarity and categorization from identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 120, 150.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1991).  A response time theory of perceptual independence. Mathematical Psychology. 389–413.
Balakrishnan, JD., & F Ashby G. (1991).  Is subitizing a unique numerical ability?. Perception & Psychophysics. 50, 555–564.
Perrin, N. A., & F Ashby G. (1991).  A test for perceptual independence with dissimilarity data. Applied Psychological Measurement. 15, 79–93.
F Ashby, G., & W Maddox T. (1990).  Integrating information from separable psychological dimensions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 16, 598.
F Ashby, G. (1989).  Stochastic general recognition theory. Human information processing: Measures, mechanisms, and models. 435–457.
F Ashby, G. (1987).  Counting and timing models in psychophysics and the conjoint Weber's law. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 31, 419–428.
MacCallum, R., & F Ashby G. (1986).  Relationships between linear systems theory and covarian ce structure modeling. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 30, 1–27.
F Ashby, G., & Townsend J. T. (1986).  Varieties of perceptual independence. Psychological Review. 93, 154-179.
