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The relative sensitivities of same-different and identification judgment models to perceptual dependence.
Psychometrika. 58, 257–279.
(1993). Response time distributions in memory scanning.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 37, 526–555.
(1993). Comparing the biased choice model and multidimensional decision bound models of identification.
Mathematical Social Sciences. 23, 175–197.
(1992). Complex decision rules in categorization: Contrasting novice and experienced performance.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 18, 50.
(1992). Multidimensional models of categorization.
In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 449-483.
(1992). Multivariate probability distributions.
In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 1-34.
(1992). Pattern recognition by human and machine. Review of "Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks", by Yoh-Han Pao.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 36, 146-153.
(1992). On the relationship among identification, similarity, and categorization: Reply to Nosofsky and Smith (1992).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 121, 385-393.
(1992). Subitizing: Magical numbers or mere superstition?.
Psychological Research. 54, 80–90.
(1992). Predicting similarity and categorization from identification.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 120, 150.
(1991). A response time theory of perceptual independence.
Mathematical Psychology. 389–413.
(1991). Is subitizing a unique numerical ability?.
Perception & Psychophysics. 50, 555–564.
(1991). A test for perceptual independence with dissimilarity data.
Applied Psychological Measurement. 15, 79–93.
(1991). Integrating information from separable psychological dimensions.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 16, 598.
(1990). Stochastic general recognition theory.
Human information processing: Measures, mechanisms, and models. 435–457.
(1989). Decision rules in the perception and categorization of multidimensional stimuli.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 14, 33.
(1988). Estimating the parameters of multidimensional signal detection theory from simultaneous ratings on separate stimulus components.
Perception & Psychophysics. 44, 195–204.
(1988). Influence of positive affect on the subjective utility of gains and losses: It's just not worth the risk..
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 55, 710-717.
(1988). Toward a unified theory of similarity and recognition.
Psychological Review. 95, 124-150.
(1988). Counting and timing models in psychophysics and the conjoint Weber's law.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 31, 419–428.
(1987). Relationships between linear systems theory and covarian ce structure modeling.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 30, 1–27.
(1986). Varieties of perceptual independence.
Psychological Review. 93, 154-179.
(1986). Measurement scales and statistics: The misconception misconceived..
Psychological Bulletin. 96, 394 401.
(1984). A biased random walk model for two choice reaction times.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 27, 277–297.