Reprint Requests
The P_rep statistic as a measure of confidence in model fitting.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 15(1), 16-27.
(2008). The effects of positive versus negative feedback on information-integration category learning.
Perception & Psychophysics. 69(6), 865-878.
(2007). A neurobiological theory of automaticity in perceptual categorization.
Psychological Review. 114(3), 632-656.
(2007). Category learning and multiple memory systems.
Trends in Cognitive Science. 9(2), 83-89.
(2005). FROST: a distributed neurocomputational model of working memory maintenance.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17(11), 1728-1743.
(2005). Human category learning.
Annual Review of Psychology. 56, 149-178.
(2005). The neurobiology of category learning.
Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews. 3(2), 101-113.
(2004). Category learning deficits in Parkinson's disease.
Neuropsychology. 17(1), 115-24.
(2003). A model of dopamine modulated cortical activation.
Neural Networks. 16(7), 973-984.
(2003). Procedural learning in perceptual categorization.
Memory & Cognition. 31(7), 1114-1125.
(2003). Observational versus feedback training in rule-based and information-integration category learning.
Memory & Cognition. 30, 666–677.
(2002). A Thurstone-Coombs model of concurrent ratings with sensory and liking dimensions.
Journal of Sensory Studies. 17, 43–59.
(2002). Suboptimality in human categorization and identification.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 130, 77.
(2001). A neuropsychological theory of positive affect and its influence on cognition.
Psychological Review. 106, 529-550.
(1999). A neuropsychological theory of multiple systems in category learning.
Psychological Review. 105, 442-481.
(1998). Categorization as a special case of decision-making or choice.
In A. A. J. Marley (Ed.), Choice, decision, and measurement: Essays in honor of R. Duncan Luce .
(1997). A formal theory of feature binding in object perception.
Psychological Review. 103, 165-192.
(1996). Categorization as probability density estimation.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 39, 216–233.
(1995). Resurrecting information theory: A review of "Information, Sensation, and Perception," by Kenneth H. Norwich.
The American Journal of Psychology. 108, 609-614.
(1995). Complex decision rules in categorization: Contrasting novice and experienced performance.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 18, 50.
(1992). Pattern recognition by human and machine. Review of "Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks", by Yoh-Han Pao.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 36, 146-153.
(1992). Multivariate probability distributions.
In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 1-34.
(1992). Multidimensional models of categorization.
In F. G. Ashby (Ed.), Multidimensional models of perception and cognition. 449-483.
(1992). On the relationship among identification, similarity, and categorization: Reply to Nosofsky and Smith (1992).
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 121, 385-393.
(1992). Decision rules in the perception and categorization of multidimensional stimuli.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 14, 33.