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Gable SL, Prok T.  2012.  20 Avoiding the Pitfalls and Approaching the Promises of Close Relationships. The Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation. :350.
Elliot AJ, McGregor HA, Gable S.  1999.  Achievement goals, study strategies, and exam performance: A mediational analysis.. Journal of educational psychology. 91:549.PDF icon elliot_et_al._1999.pdf (2.58 MB)
Gable SL, Reis HT.  2001.  Appetitive and aversive social interaction. Close romantic relationships: Maintenance and enhancement. :169–194.
Gable SLyne.  2000.  Appetitive and aversive social motivation.
Gable SL, Gosnell CL.  2013.  Approach and avoidance behavior in interpersonal relationships. Emotion Review. 5:269–274.PDF icon gable_gosnell_2013.pdf (419.43 KB)
Gosnell CL, Gable SL.  2022.  Approach and avoidance goals and perceptions of romantic partners’ traits. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. PDF icon full article (668.66 KB)
Gable SL.  2011.  Approach and Avoidance Motivation. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships. :193.
Gable SL.  2008.  Approach and avoidance motivation in close relationships. Social relationships: Cognitive, affective, and motivational processes. :219–234.PDF icon gable_2008.pdf (129.75 KB)
Elliot AJ, Gable SL, Mapes RR.  2006.  Approach and avoidance motivation in the social domain. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 32:378–391.PDF icon elliot_et_al._2006.pdf (1.37 MB)
Gable SL, Impett EA.  2012.  Approach and avoidance motives and close relationships. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 6:95–108.PDF icon gable_impett_2012.pdf (126.8 KB)
Strachman A, Gable SL.  2006.  Approach and avoidance relationship commitment. Motivation and Emotion. 30:117–126.PDF icon strachman_gable_2006_a.pdf (225.75 KB)
Impett EA, Peplau LA, Gable SL.  2005.  Approach and avoidance sexual motives: Implications for personal and interpersonal well-being. Personal Relationships. 12:465–482.PDF icon impett_et_al._2005.pdf (152.37 KB)
Gable SL.  2006.  Approach and avoidance social motives and goals. Journal of personality. 74:175–222.PDF icon gable_2006.pdf (256.49 KB)
Gable SL.  2013.  Approaching Rewards and Avoiding Threats in Close Relationships. The Science of the Couple: The Ontario Symposium. 12:59.
Gable SL, Strachman A.  2008.  Approaching social rewards and avoiding social punishments: Appetitive and aversive social motivation..
Gosnell CL, Gable SL.  2013.  Attachment and capitalizing on positive events. Attachment & human development. 15:281–302.
Scinta A, Gable SL.  2007.  Automatic and self-reported attitudes in romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 33:1008–1022.PDF icon scinta_gable_2007.pdf (288.31 KB)
